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New leg brace ..

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I have used an ankle brace for 2 years now but my osteopath decided that my bones were out of line as they were shapping to the hard plastic in the AFO brace ... my feet are cut and bruised too but no feeling so dont notice until its too late :(

New brace turned up today its called a foot up? anyone heard of it? tried it? Well its not working for me .. its lifting the foot but the top part of it slips down my leg and I trip over :( bloody great ay?


My old one



New one



I cant understand why it dont work? Am I doing something wrong? It looks pretty straight forward.. Back to the osteopath I think *puzzled face*



Rachy xx

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Hi Rachy,


Sorry you've had such problems, it certainly looks more "user friendly" than the old one, perhaps your osteopath can give you some guideance?


I've had a new foot support a few weeks ago -my ankle is hypermobile from left to right & moving downwards but won't go up. It seemed ok for a couple of days but now its has pulled the muscles in my leg & my hips hurt. It seems to be giving me more problems going downstairs and walking down hill.


I hope you can sort it out, it does look more comfortable than your old one.

Take care

Clare x

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i had one years ago and it worked fantastically but only the once and that was when i got it and the hospital put it on.

after that it was too difficult to clip it together, i never had the strength to pull it to reach. if u have got it on try saying heel toe as you walk.

if not you can get the oddstock FES one free from a hospital that does it near you. its great and if you are patient you will learn where to place the patches.


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I have used both of the leg braces you have shown and I must admit the foot up one was a nightmare as it doesnt fit in a shoe!! I now have the rigid splint and I am still getting used to it. I had mine made privately as its too much of a hassle trying to get to the hospital for appointments!! When I got the rigid one I also bought the shoes that can be velcroed on like people get when they are plastered. With regard the other one I cheated and left it clipped together when I was putting it on!! You do need to make sure you do the top part up quite firmly and it shouldnt slip down unless maybe it is the wrong size possibly.


Good luck and watch out for any sores as they are a nightmare to heal up once they get hold.


debz xx

Mark has PP MS but I am his partner and do the posts as he cant use the computer!!

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Thanks for the advice and info guys xxx


I really cant get on with the second one so they are going to cast me for a rigid one that way it will fit me perfect :)



Rachy xx

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