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Talking about disease modifying drugs

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A webcast by the MS Trust addresses some of the most challenging questions people with MS ask about disease modifying drugs.


As the range of disease modifying drugs increases, it is more important than ever that people with MS have the information they need to make informed decisions in partnership with their health professionals.


In the webcast, neurologist Professor David Bates discusses the evidence for early treatment and what the long-term data shows about their effectiveness. The role of the new oral and intravenous drug treatments is also discussed. In a newly added clip, Prof Bates looks at some of the challenges presented by progressive MS and how this affects what is available for people with this type of MS.


The webcast underlines the need for people to see neurologists with a good understanding of MS and the implications of treatment options. The MS Trust's map of services shows hospitals where people can access specialist MS services and teams.


Visitors can also read replies to questions posted about the topics covered and until the end of March can submit further questions that have not been answered during the webcast to Prof Bates and MS nurse Vicki Matthews.


Watch the webcast

Map of MS services

Edited by Simon

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