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I have just noticed that the option to share on Google+ has now appeared.

How does this tie in with any limited settings one may have set regarding allowing search engine listings or being visible by visitors, namely on the blog?

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,

Running over the same old ground.

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The same old fears.

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The Google+ button's always been there :flowerface: but doesn't seem to show in Blogs at all, only in Forum topics. Either way, even if it did show in Blogs, or for the other share buttons which do show, if you've set your Blog to not be viewable by guests, I'd guess it would throw up a "You're not allowed to view this page" (or similar) message to anyone who's not logged into the forum. If anyone's not logged into the forum, they don't see your Blog at all if you've set it to not be viewable by guests, not in the list of Blogs or in the sidebar box with latest Blog entries.


Aside from that, I don't think many people are using Google+.... it seems, predictably perhaps, to be a bit of a fail... But we're still encouraged to use the button on websites for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) reasons...


Very annoying though, that Google have added it to search pages, in the belief that people are going to be interested in having the search results of their Google+ "friends" show at the top! The solution there, is to log out of all Google services and maybe also use Firefox and some Greasemonkey scripts to block certain Google aspects, like "Don't track me Google" and "Resurrect Google Cache and Related Links" which also gets rid of that very annoying huge Instant Preview that pops up every time your mouse accidentally hovers over it :wink2: You can also block Google+ entirely from sites you visit with the Ghostery add-on.


(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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The Google+ button's always been there :flowerface:


Hi Marina,

Well that just shows how unobservant I am.


I find Google+ to actually be quite lively, though it is best not to expect to find anyone you know on it.

I have done most of the above to ensure I don't get personalised results, which are not what I really want.


I am not paranoid about secrecy, but it is good to know what the consequences of any action is. It is why I only use FB for keeping in touch with my girls, nothing much else.


Thank you for the detailed response.


We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,

Running over the same old ground.

What have we found?

The same old fears.

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