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A little thank you

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Hi all,


Just wanted to thank you all for giving me the courage to see a second neurologist. After putting it off for a while today was the day and I saw a lovely lady who...


1) Didn't dismiss how I felt but explained that the tests they have are quite crude so what they can measure doesn't always correlate with what we experience


2) Explained that my on-going visual problems will be because not all the nerves recovered from the optic neuritis and the issues with my hands are probably due to either fatigue or clenching at night - which was already suggested to meon here :-)


3) Discussed the options available for managing / treatment - in the end we agreed the same as my original neuro but she explained why that seems best and made me a part of the decision making process


4) Arranged some follow up and has referred meon to a local MS nurse ;-)


Good result and great to feel I have a port of call if it's needed ;-) Progress has been made!


Hope everyone else is having a good day too,


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Hello Puddleduck,


So pleased you have seen another neurologist now, who has explained things with much more clarity for you. It's nice to find a neurologist who is happy to explain what they think is going on.


You will find lots of helpful advice from your local MS Nurse, they are a brilliant band of nurses that are all knowing with the oddities of MS. Make sure you are out in touch soon, in other words don't let it go too long before you contact the Nurse directly should the referral take too long. They will be happy to help.




They are not brain lesions..........they are just bright ideas


"The truth is out there"

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Good news :wink2:

Sonia x

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