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Caring for someone with MS? Please take part in our online survey!

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Dear All,


I am an MS researcher at the University of Nottingham. We are currently doing an online survey study which aims to explore the quality of life of informal carers of people with MS. The online survey includes a series of questions asking about your health, caring experiences and quality of life. It should take approximately 15-30 minutes to complete. If you would like to take part, please visit the following link to complete the survey:




Ethical approval for this study has been obtained from the University of Nottingham. The information you provide will be collected anonymously.


If you would like to have further information about the study, please visit the above link, or either PM me or email me at Lwxgt4@nottingham.ac.uk


Thank you in advance for your time and help.


Kind regards,

Gogem Topcu

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Hello everyone,


Thank you so much to all who have completed our survey so far. However, we need more participants to achieve meaningful results and to be able to help MS carers and their care-recipients in the future. So, if you haven’t completed our online survey yet and you are caring for someone with MS, please complete our survey. Or if you know an MS carer, please share the provided link below.


The link to the MS carers’ online survey is:



Thank you!


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Founded in 2004, MS People UK is a community website and discussion forum by and for people with Multiple Sclerosis as well as for friends, families, supporters and those interested in this disabling condition.

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