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Some of you may have heard about the infamous FitBit. This is a wearable tracker, that, amoung other things, tracks the number of steps taken a day, number of floors/ stairs climbed. Constant heart rate monitor. Even swimming activities!


You can set it up to your height, weight, and more general information, including eating habits.


It also nudges via a vibration if you haven't moved for a long period ( except in night mode )


It also monitors sleep, which will produce a graph showing how much deep ( quality sleep) and how much restless sleep you've had.


There is a whole host of other stuff that, once connected to a phone or computer, will show everything for the past 30 days..


My daughter is very healthy and fit, runs boot camps and is also a Personal Trainer....she suggested it may help me monitor, and then try to improve my daily excercise.

There are quite a few blogs out there, where people with MS and many other conditions are saying that it does give an incentive to improve ourselves.....


I only got it today...so will let you know how I get on with it,,,,have to charge and set it up first....


To be continued.....



Edited by Scully

They are not brain lesions..........they are just bright ideas


"The truth is out there"

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Hi scully, this could make you very depressed or inspire you. When you say charged up is that you or fit bit?

Best wishes peter

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I have a fitbit and they are really good.

it does give you an incentive to keep moving as much as possible although you can set your goals to whatever suits you.

be warned that if I am awake in the night but lying still in bed it doesn't pick that up as an awake period.


good luck with it

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Hi all,


Hope you don't mind me joining the conversation.


I'm considering getting a Fitbit. I've had something similar in the past and when I was really motivated it was great!!


How has it worked for you Scully if you don't mind me asking?




Lolly :-)

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Hello Lolly,


I've found my Fitbit invaluable if I'm honest. I got the 'charge 2' as recommended by my daughter.


10,000 steps a day is way beyond me. Even my GP said that he couldn't do 10,000 steps. I set mine to 5,000 a day and that seems to be working ok. I don't manage every day of course, but it's surprising how quickly they add up just round the house.


It also monitors my heart rate. And monitors my sleep pattern. As well as how many stairs I have covered


I've not put in all the foods I eat every day, but it had the capability to work out calories burned etc..


It nudges me via a vibration if I haven't moved for more than half an hour.


It also tells the time and date.


All in all, I found it does give me some focus on regular movement and excercise. I'm very happy with it.




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They are not brain lesions..........they are just bright ideas


"The truth is out there"

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Brilliant, thanks for the info Scully :-)



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I have an Apple Watch (I prefer the strap, I've had it six months and haven't lost it yet - I lost a Flex and an Alta within weeks of getting them) and it tracks all that stuff too.  I average 6.6 hours of sleep but have had one night where I had none, and one night where I had it in two small chunks either side of midnight.  My lowest heart rate has been a very impressive, and given my being three stone overweight, quite scary 56 bpm.  Average is 68 when resting and about 75 when moving around.  I don't do that much effortful stuff, I manage to average 11,000 steps a day with my job, as I'm still mobile when my legs work.


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Hi everyone 🤗 Sorry I haven’t been on for a while but work has been so busy. I have been wearing a Fitbit for years (started with a Flex which was great for pool exercises and now onto a Charge 2). I find the information interesting and it does motivate you to move more. I have seen the Charge 3 advertised and am really interested as you are able to wear it in the pool (which I can’t do with the Charge 2). I have one of the earlier versions of the Charge 2 so it might be time for an upgrade. Hope everyone has been well. 

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Ohana - Where nobody gets left behind or forgotten

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Gosport Nancy


Hi Scully I have the charge 2 and find it helpful every day, especially the food diary as it has stopped me  mindlessly eating.    


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I had to get a (2nd hand) Apple watch (Amazon provided) because i lost the first Flex and then a Charge - the bracelets are rubbish.  The Iwatch hasn't come off once.  


Also has a sleep app.  Dead handy.  Who'd have though that the moon would affect my sleep so much?  Not fully waterproof but I don't mind that. It nags me to walk about, and has move goals   

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Bit of a non-starters for me, I don't like wearing watches or having anything around my wrist.

Even the touch of clothing can be uncomfortable. An MS thing or I believe.


However my wife swears by hers. And at it at times.

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,

Running over the same old ground.

What have we found?

The same old fears.

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