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Ms advice needed

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Hi some advice needed I've already been refferd to a neurologist but I get constant tingling in my legs especially at night my right eye goes blurry when I have hot bath (had eyes checked they were fine) I've been getting quite a lot of leg spasams and pain in my legs sometimes when I walk up or down stairs they just stop onme and I need to hold onto something for a few seconds until I can move them again and I am fatigued all time even with sleep I have a positive babinski,hoffman and romberg test could anybody offer any advice if this sounds like MS it be greatly appreciated

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Hi cmcg2013,


First welcome to the forum,

Its pretty quiet here at the moment but it is a good place to talk. One of the big problems when you are in the process of having some kind of diagnosis is the complex nature of neurological conditions, and one reason why it often takes time for a specialist to come to a clear understanding of exactly what the problem is. This is something that those of us who have been through the process know only to well! Living in limbo land is not very nice and when you are desperately seeking answers and nobody seems to give clear answers. These days the process of diagnosis is better than it was but each person is different. In my case I got a swift diagnosis but some people will still have to wait while the various symptoms appear and are taken account of.

Blurry vision can sometimes be attributed to Optic Neuritis which can be a symptom of MS. It can also be unrelated to MS. Spasms and tingling are also things which can be caused by MS but again they can be caused by other problems. Again fatigue is something many of us with MS experience. MS fatigue is not quite like 'ordinary' tiredness and is difficult to describe.

The important thing is to wait for your neurology appointment and to understand that it is really only these specialists who can give you a diagnosis. The prospect of 'having MS' is a very scary one, but understanding that MS covers a whole range of things and that each person is affected differently and will not necessarily experience all of the symptoms, should give you some comfort.

You need to make a list of things to ask at the appointment and it is very useful for the neurologist to have a list of these symptoms you mention. Again to help with that keep notes and write down everything, then before the appointment, make a more concise list so that you remember to tell them. Another good tip is to take somebody else along, close friend or relative, who will be able to recall afterwards what was said. It often takes more than one appointment and appointments for MRI, etc. before you get a better idea of what is happening. In the meantime try your best not to stress to much.......We know exactly what all this feels like, so you are not alone.

Edited by Nick
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Just another Warrior...........

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Ms is notoriously difficult to diagnose, lots of other things need to be eliminated first, and there are lots of things that mimic ms, so it can take quite a while, so patience is a must, but so hard to do.


Nick has given you good advice, I second what he says about a list for the neuro, and taking someone with you, it is only a neuro who will be able to fathom what is going on.


In the meantime if symptoms become bothersome, your GP can prescribe certain medication that can help.


Take one day at a time, try not to google, and be kind to yourself. If it does turn out to be ms, please don't think the worst, there is still a very worthwhile life to live.


Best wishes for the future.


Pam x

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Live for today.......never have regrets

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