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Diagnostic Tests - Which Did You Have

Which of the following diagnostic tests led to your diagnosis?  

162 members have voted

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I had an MRI scan and then later a lumbar puncture. As my mum also had it I think the diagnosis was expected.

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I had evoked potentials which were completely normal (at least something about me is) and an MRI which showed very mild de-myelation

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The Dragonfly

I had all three tests. Having an MRI with contrast on Saturday.

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Mine was 2 numb area's & and MRI so sorry I couldn't vote. xxx

I will decide what to put here one day...........brace yourselves........

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You could vote for " MRI only" if that was the only diagnostic test you had. Numb areas would have been symptoms, not tests :flowerface:

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(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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I was largely Dx after a spinal MRI (coupled with history & a physical examination), I thought I had a trapped nerve and my spinal MRI got me referred to neuro. My brain MRI confirmed it, weirdly I breathed a sigh of relief as I didn't need to have a LP.... Yes, I'm a wimp but I was very scared about the possibility of that!

Sonia x

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I was largely Dx after a spinal MRI (coupled with history & a physical examination), I thought I had a trapped nerve and my spinal MRI got me referred to neuro. My brain MRI confirmed it, weirdly I breathed a sigh of relief as I didn't need to have a LP.... Yes, I'm a wimp but I was very scared about the possibility of that!

Sonia x



I was told I had a trapped nerve, then another GP mentioned MS.

But really, although he didn't say it at the time, my OH had already thought about MS because as he said 'one area of numbness isn't a great worry, but two is, something is going on'. So he was really the one who DX'd me on the quiet!


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I will decide what to put here one day...........brace yourselves........

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I had OPTIC NEURITIS then a couple of years later i had 1 MRI SCAN then a few yrs later i had a LUMBER PUNCTURE which was needed because they lost my MRI scan results.

i've had MS 12yrs now they've not given me another MRI SCAN or anything else even though its got a lot worse.

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MRI, lumber puncture and evoked potentials. all positive so not sure why they did them all. was sooo ill after lumbar puncture.

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MRI, lumber puncture and evoked potentials. all positive so not sure why they did them all. was sooo ill after lumbar puncture.


My Neuro offered me a LP even though he had already said I didn't need one, of course I said 'no thank you'......why on earth would anyone say yes to such a thing when it's not needed!

I will decide what to put here one day...........brace yourselves........

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Lumbar and MRI

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