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Undiscovered Britain


Undiscovered Britain caters to independent travelers who long to experience the off-the-beaten-track treasures of the “real” Britain and Ireland. Founded by Ann Litt, Undiscovered Britain specializes in customized itinerary planning, and offers a wide range of services including:
• Airline tickets
• Accommodation bookings
• Vehicle rentals
• Rail passes
• Ferry tickets
• Airport transfers
• Day tours and private guides
• Theatre tickets and special events

Ann is also very familiar with accessibility issues throughout Britain and Ireland, and she makes specific notes about accessibility when she inspects properties. Realizing that what is accessible to one person may not necessarily be accessible to another, Ann records exact details (such as bathroom measurements) in her database. Because of Ann’s comprehensive research, Undiscovered Britain is able to offer accessible services to its clients, including wheelchair accessible accommodations and transportation (self-drive or with a driver). Ann is also able to draw on her ever-growing database to provide her clients with current accessibility information about attractions throughout Britain.

About Us

Founded in 2004, MS People UK is a community website and discussion forum by and for people with Multiple Sclerosis as well as for friends, families, supporters and those interested in this disabling condition.

If you’re newly diagnosed or want to ask about possible first symptoms, or if you’ve had Relapse Remit, Secondary or Primary Progressive MS for some time, a welcoming group of fellow MS sufferers is here to chat with you about MS symptoms, diagnosis and treatments.

The atmosphere is friendly whilst being compassionate, supportive and caring. Members also post about a variety of subjects not related to MS, as well as share jokes, talk about their hobbies, have fun, and more.

The MS People Forum is not responsible for advice or information supplied by members. We suggest you seek medical advice before trying anything.