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MediPAL® the original Medical Alert ID card is an ingenious way of making sure that if you have a medical emergency your personal medical status is immediately available wherever and whatever situation you find yourself in.

MediPAL® is a smart Medical Alert Card, in hospital blue with a green cross and made of hard wearing plastic.

An Emergency Contact Card that fits neatly into your purse or wallet, MediPAL® card with its unique and simple design allows medical staff to easily recognize the card as your own personal Emergency Alert ID. They will have instant access to your important medical history and prescription drugs; this really matters when a quick diagnosis is vital. Your next of kin and doctors details are also displayed. Use the space to personalize your card with any special instructions that would be important if you are taken ill or have an accident. If there is space we will print whatever you need to say.

About Us

Founded in 2004, MS People UK is a community website and discussion forum by and for people with Multiple Sclerosis as well as for friends, families, supporters and those interested in this disabling condition.

If you’re newly diagnosed or want to ask about possible first symptoms, or if you’ve had Relapse Remit, Secondary or Primary Progressive MS for some time, a welcoming group of fellow MS sufferers is here to chat with you about MS symptoms, diagnosis and treatments.

The atmosphere is friendly whilst being compassionate, supportive and caring. Members also post about a variety of subjects not related to MS, as well as share jokes, talk about their hobbies, have fun, and more.

The MS People Forum is not responsible for advice or information supplied by members. We suggest you seek medical advice before trying anything.