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had yet another long GP appointment who only refered meon for an ultra sound for my incontinance when i wouldnt leave his office. he spent alot of time asking about my childhood and my mood. Im bipolar. i know that/ i always have been. i DO know myself and i know when im lathargic due to depression and when something else is wrong. im sorry, depression does not explain most of my symptoms, and certainly not peeing my pants.



so fed up of being told this is all in my head. i dont want to be diagnosed with anything as serious as MS, i dont! but i do wish they would get past the fact that bloods and scans are showing up nothing. this will be my third ultra sound. i cant take it anymore :(

Currently undiagnosed.

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Sorry to hear your appt left you feeling fed up BB. You will know that a few conditions can cause the symptoms you are experiencing, so I hope the ultrasound can shed some light on your urinary problems. A frustrating time for you!


Chris x

Not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain ....

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My personal experience is if they are not sure blame it on depression or stress. There are some amazing gp's out there and this is not always the case but this is how I felt myself.I went to another doctor as mine was off before i got my Dx with vibrating legs and he turned round and said look there is no known medical cause for your symptoms and sent me off feeling like a small child, It even made me question myself and i wondered if infact it was all in head. So please do not think your alone, I hope they find the cause of your problems soon hun.


Hugs Tracy Xxx :hearts_circle:

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Bless you BB


So sorry to hear that you are really feeling so down after the GP appointment. Some GP,s blame everything on one condition, without looking any further.


I hope this final scan helps you with the continence issues? Have you tried 'a continence team' I think most areas have one. You may be able to see them. Nice people who do understand continence issues.


As for your other symptoms, could you maybe try a different doctor in the same practice ? And explain your other issues and concerns ?




They are not brain lesions..........they are just bright ideas


"The truth is out there"

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thank you for the replies. This is the first scan regarding my urinary incontinance. i have suspected a few times this year that i have been incontinant (and been in denial, blaming my puppy for mysterious wet patches on sofas lol) but until recently i was too exhausted to care. id just hide my soiled and wet knickers around my room in fear of my partner finding them. (he says hes known about my incontinance for months - longer than iv known! lol)


but this is just one of many symptoms. in a recent post, i wrote about a diagram i drew him of myself. but every time i see him, he humours me and asks a few questions about what ever is bothering me the most at that time, then looks at me blankley and says "anything else?"


he said i should ask a female gp to do a quick internal, but he did sigh and do it straight away after i said i dont care who does it. im not shy. He said my pelvic floor muscles are a little weak. i went for a sexual health clinic for routine check up 3 months ago. the nurse (who deals with these all day long) comment on how well i am down there. and iv always had comments from nurses about that.


anyway, so another ultra sound, then back to gp to refer me to gynecologist. he said however, if nothing comes back abnormal, that im jsut going to have to accept all of this and move on.


iv spent a while this afternoon looking itno ways of paying for a neuro consoltation myself. i cant afford it, but i also cant afford to keep losing my jobs, my homes, and my life because of all of this. this is no life for a 25 year old.


prime of my life, my arse!!

Currently undiagnosed.

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Teddy B

It's horrible to be made to feel patronised by your own GP. I can fully sympathise, mine has a very superior way about him that makes me feel awkward sometimes. I wonder if it's something he learned at medical school?


Scully's advice is very good, you could ask to see another doctor in the practice you go to. You don't have to give an explanation or an excuse.


A good doctor is not just one with up-to-date medical knowledge but a helpful attitude towards their patients and an interest in discovering the facts. We are not asking for sympathy and they don't have to be our friends but we do want them to listen and give us respect.

It's MS that's strange - not me!

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