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What Do You Get...?

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What do you get if you cross:



A fawn with a hornet? Bambee.



A policeman with a telegram? Copper wire.



A canary with a mole? A miner bird.



A pig with a cactus? A porkerpine.



A cat with a lemon? A sourpuss.



A banana with a red silk dress? A pink slip.



A chicken with a bell? An alarm cluck.



A duck with a steamroller? A flat duck.



An Eskimo with a pig? A polar boar.



A spider with a rabbit? A hare net.



A ham with a karate expert? Pork chops.



An owl with a goat? A hootenanny.



An Indian with a cow? Geronimoo.



A tiger with a needle? Pin stripes.



A termite with a house? An exterminator.



A dove with a high chair? A stool pigeon.



A tree with a baseball player? Babe Root.



A parrot with a centipede? A walkie-talkie.



A rabbit with a kilt? Hopscotch.



A dog with a daisy? A collie-flower.



A hummingbird with a doorbell? A humdinger.



The Green Giant with Robin Hood? A Hoe-Bow.



The Atlantic Ocean with the Titanic? Halfway.



A movie with a swimming pool? A dive-in theater.



Telly Savalas with a pool table? A billiard bald.



A potato with an onion? A potato with watery eyes.



A dog with a chicken? A hen that lays pooched eggs.



A vulture with a small grass house? A scavenger hut.



An evangelist with a hockey puck? A puck that saves itself.



A pit bull with a collie? A dog that bites your leg off and runs for help.



A kangaroo with a sheep? A wooly jumper.



A gorilla and a sheep? A very nice wool coat, except the sleeves are too long.


(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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