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Rap Rap Rap

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Once upon a time, two brothers were rummaging through a garbage heap when they came upon an old treasure map.


They dusted it off and saw that the directions took them up to the Adirondacks in the dead of winter.


Not wishing to miss a good adventure, they packed up some belongings, called to their shaggy dog, and were off.


Well, the treasure map was to lead them to a small cabin in the mountains.


They walked happily along...

the older brother went trudge trudge,

the younger went step step step,

the dog went lumber lumber lumber.


At the end of a gruelling day, they found the cabin, kept by a wisent little old man.


They spent the night.


Well, round about the middle of the night, they were awakened by a huge crash!


They rose with a start, but alas, too quickly a large rock fell though the roof and landed on the eldest brother's foot.


Tied to it was another map, but the brother was lamed.


The next morning, they set out with the new map.


It led down a terrible ravine to a hut that lay at that bottom.


They proceeded slowly,

the older brother going trudge OW! trudge OW!,

the younger brother going step step step,

and the shaggy dog going lumber lumber lumber.


At night, in howling winds, they reached the hut.


It was empty, but they were happy that no wind penetrated the walls, and they dropped on the floor for a restful night.


Round about three in the morning, there was a horribly loud siren noise, waking them from sound slumber.


Before they could move, an enormous screaming bird tore through the window and dropped a huge wooden beam on the younger brother's leg.


Tied to it was another map.


The next day, they set out once again.

The older brother went trudge OW! trudge OW!,

the younger brother went step draaaag step,

the shaggy dog went lumber lumber lumber.


At night they reached nothing more than a lean-to, but this was their destination, so they had to make do.


Round about four o'clock in the morning, they were startled by a huge roar, and a lion bounded up to them, dropping a massive bone on the dog's foot.


The dog yelped, but tied to the bone was another map.


The next day, the sorry crew set out once again.

The older brother went trudge OW! trudge OW!,

the younger went step draaaaaag step,

the shaggy dog went lumbyelp! lumber lumbyelp!


It wasn't until early the next morning that they reached their destination, which was a huge mansion.


At first they were pleased, but when the went inside and saw how rickety the structure was, they were a bit afraid.


They were so tired, though, that they went right to sleep.


It was night time when they awoke.


Slowly, they became aware of a small knocking sound.

"rap rap rap"

"rap rap rap".


They began to search.


On the first floor... nothing.


They climbed the stairs,

the older brother going trudge OW! trudge OW!

the younger brother going step draaaaag step,

the dog going lumbyelp! lumber lumbyelp!


The second floor, empty, but still, the sound was louder:

"rap rap rap"

"rap rap rap".


Well, to make a long story short, they eventually got up to the attic.


There massive wooden beams supported the roof.

"RAP RAP RAP!" they heard. "RAP RAP RAP!"


Excited, they felt all along the beams.


Then the younger brother found the secret compartment


He held his breath, closed his eyes, and tore it open.


Out fell... rapping paper.



(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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