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Firstly I must start by saying that I do feel a bit of a fraud being on this website as I do not have MS. All will become clear soon but please bear with me:crutch: .


It was my mum who had MS. She was diagnosed in 1987 with PPMS (I was 7 at the time) and I grew up with the gradual progression of the illness. When I first started uni she was prescribed baclofen and as a result became almost anorexic - we thought we had lost her at this point but we managed to get her back. After this point (in 1999) she started on the rapid downhill spiral. She was completely bedridden, barely eating or drinking and suffering with permanent bed sores.


Just over a year ago, she was taken in to hospital and given a baclofen pump which worked wonders and nearly a year ago she came up to Sheffield to visit me and was doing brilliantly - the best I had seen her for years.


Now here comes the long part so I'm sorry about this :crying:. Mum went home to Swansea with my dad on the Monday. By the Friday she was vomiting lots and by the following Monday she was vomiting a coffee granual type substance. She was rushed to our local ED and was given a central line, 2 units of blood and lots of fluids. Dad was asked did he want her to be resucitated if the worst happened. She was given an endoscope the next day and told that there was some internal bleeding but nothing to worry about and was eventually discharged that Friday.


She phoned meon the Saturday and unfortunately I was taken ill so called up late that evening to give my dad an update on how I was feeling. He mentioned that Mum was breathing very shallowey but felt there was nothing to worry about - I have asthma so he knew what to look for. Dad then phoned me the next morning at 10.00 (Sunday 12 October) to tell me that mum had passed away. She had woken up at approximately 3.00 to get a drink and have her pillows fluffed and had slipped away soon after.


No dr would certify her death so she was given a post mortem which transpired that she had died of Aspiration Pneumonia, Gastro-Intestinal Bleeding (something the drs said was nothing to worry about) and Peptic Ulcer Disease - her MS was only a secondary cause. That was nearly a year ago and I'm still having trouble dealing with it at times. :crying:


Sorry for the depressing news above but felt I had to explain why I joined this website - I want to try and help people, the way mum never recieved help and to share my experiences with ppms.


Thanks for listening anyway and sorry to depress you again. :bye:

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Welcome Leigh :bye:


You're not a "fraud"! The site and forum is not only for MSers but also for friends, family and supporters of MS sufferers :crutch:


I'm so terribly sorry you had such a traumatic time with your late mother... there are rarely or never words that can truly console in any way when one is going through such a loss. Doing just what you are doing though, being with other MSers for a variety of reasons, can be of a help both for yourself and for other MSers. This is of great value to all concerned.


Thank you for sharing that with us, and I hope you find this forum to be of some help even if we are only a little forum...


Take care and hope to read more from you :-)


(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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Welcome Leigh :bye:


You're not a "fraud"! The site and forum is not only for MSers but also for friends, family and supporters of MS sufferers :crutch:


I'm so terribly sorry you had such a traumatic time with your late mother... there are rarely or never words that can truly console in any way when one is going through such a loss. Doing just what you are doing though, being with other MSers for a variety of reasons, can be of a help both for yourself and for other MSers. This is of great value to all concerned.


Thank you for sharing that with us, and I hope you find this forum to be of some help even if we are only a little forum...


Take care and hope to read more from you :-)

Thanks Marina.


Its great to be made to feel welcome and I will definately spend a lot more time here.


Thanks again :bye:

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