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DLA/PIP Reassessment - An MP's View

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I have to go for a work capability assessment thingy next week. Surely to God they could find all this out from G.p Ms nurse etc. I get really stressed when I go out. My hubby initiated the change from Income support to universal credit about 9 months ago and from then our finances have really suffered. They didn't pick up on my health thing so have only just started down this path. Nine months of being skint and now having to undergo this. I obviously can't work which is why the council pensioned me off after 20 years.


derby x

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I think I must be one of the lucky ones. I had "indefinite" DLA until I got the dreaded PIP letter in October 2015 (a few days before I was due to order my new Motability car so you can imagine the stress that caused!). My wife helped with the form and there was the option to let them know I had mobility issues with regards to attending the assessment. Within a couple of weeks, I received a letter asking me to phone regarding a date/time for an assessor to come to my home!


The assessor came to see me a week into December and was very nice and understanding. I received a letter on Christmas Eve telling me I was entitled to enhance care & mobility, best Christmas present I've ever had!


That said, I do know people who've gone through hell with this and also a couple of people who have received enhanced PIP who are nowhere near he disability level that t7hey should be in order to b entitled to said benefit so it really does make no sense. It's certainly not a level playing field. The system stinks and luck plays a part where it has no business doing so.


On an additional note, I have to go through it again in a year's time, hope I didn't use p all my luck the first time!

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It's not the hand I wanted to be dealt but I'll play it anyway.

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