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Please help with my EXPERT research study

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EXPERT: Experience of a health information website evaluated in a research study


I am a researcher at the University of Oxford working on a project to evaluate and hopefully improve the provision of health information online. I am looking for carers of people with MS who would be willing to answer some questionnaires online and look at an information website for carers.


Can you help, or do you know anyone that can? If so please contact expert@phc.ox.ac.uk



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Hi Nick


The study is looking at the provision of online health information for carers (specifically of people with MS) with the hope of improving the provision of information and support for people who care for others and help provide reliable, useful and trustworthy information online as a resource for all carers. Being involved in the study would mean answering some questionnaires online and looking at a health website containing information for carers of friends or family members who have MS. We will then ask another set of questionnaires (including one specifically about the particular website) and evaluate this to inform the design and content of health information online. Each set of questions should take no more than ten minutes to complete and access to the information website would be for two weeks.


If you would like further information please email me at expert@phc.ox.ac.uk and I can send you an information booklet either by post or as a PDF.






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