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It's me trying again

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:whistling: Well here goes again.


I'm 52 years old married to a great guy who is an electrician and every other trade you can think of! I have a daughter in her 20's studying to become a Graphic Artis, my son is an electrician (yeah is grandpa was too!!) and the bass player in a locally famouse rock band (hoping to go on tour soon - don't know what his boss will have to say about that!). And me too.


I have been diagnosed as having Progressive MS by a consultant who specialises in Epilepsy but has the best MS nurses to assist and advise her. Since the birth of my son when I was 31 I have experienced the classic "weird sensations" that all MS's know about. Then on 11 September 2001 - yes THAT 11 September- I started with numbness, burning, freezing, wobbling etc etc in ernest. In other words it wouldn't go away and it still hasn't. But, I keep taking the tablets and they help no end. I have had to give up the long distance walking that I so loved, you cant get thro the bogs on the moors with the wheels on my chair and believe me we've tried! However, I still go kayaking and my brilliant friends and brilliant husband are an enormous support with that. I have no dignity left dealing with all this water and mud but I don't care it's a laugh and I don't mind rolling around as long as I know someone is there to help me up and get dry. Love to go sea fishing and camping and I'm very lucky that before I had to give up work T (my husband) and I managed to get the money together, through redundancy and savings, to buy a boat to be towed by our old faithfull camper van. As you gather I am mobile - around the house OK with furniture to bump into and stairs on all fours, outside I use a stick for short distances and a chair for longer. I keep thinking about a scooter but haven't plucked up the courage for that yet.


I'm sure there's more but it's taking so long to type this that I'm going for a rest.


Bye for now



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Hi again Shirley :bye:


I almost missed your post, I'm not sure how, but thanks for your introduction. It's great to hear how others are coping with this thing :funny:


I think a few of the old friends are just beginning to find their way around the forum, so hopefully a few others will be along shortly.


It sounds as though you have a great family - I'm hoping our community here will build in the near future to form another family of friends. :crutch:


Have a great week,

Chris P :bye:

................................ :dog: ........................................

All the best,

Chris P

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