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Ron and Teddy say hello

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Well hello,


After a bit of practice, I am slowly finding my way around this site, I am sure Teddy will be along shortly as soon as Fluffy Bunny leaves.




I guess this is for hello's etc.


My name is Ron and I live in Scottish Borders. Recently returned form 15 years overseas working, generally bumming around, being paid for it and having a laugh whereever I went. :crutch: I was dx in 2001 with ppms and had to give up work earlier this year. So I am now trying to settle in the UK again and have Teddy and Panda as companions (I am sure they both think I am nuts).


Bertie Baseball bat is here also and 'attends' to Teddy's behaviour problems and attitude as needed. The beatings will continue until morale improves!


I better go and see what they are up to, it has gone too quiet for my liking!



ppms, dx 2001

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Hi again Ron :bye:


I've said a quick hello to Teddy - did you know he'd been at your computer while you were out? :oops:


I think the RSPCT called while you were out :sweating: I expect they'll be back later.


All the best,

Chris P :crutch:

................................ :dog: ........................................

All the best,

Chris P

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Knowing Teddy he has been up to no good, looking at things he should not even be interested in at his age.................I don't know, the youth of today!


He was very quiet with Fluffy earlier just after they had their tea. I checked to see they were ok and they were doing a jigsaw. A very diffcult one according to Teddy of a tiger. After looking a bit closer it became clear why.


Put the Frosties back in the box Teddy!


Where to start with him, I barely got him toilet trained and now he is looking at porn on the pc when I am not around, I can see him getting a whack with Bertie pretty soon.



ppms, dx 2001

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christina m

:oops: well hello ron you sound as nuts as myself i too am new only been around on site about 5 weeks but watched and listened at first :sweating:

well i am chris,christina or whatever people choose to call me

anyway nice meeting you and your friends

catch you later


Chris :moon: :crutch:

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Hello Chris,


I can see this getting confusing as there is someone else called Chris, if I get you mixed up, please do not take any offense as it is not intended.


I am 'totally barking' according to someone from a few days ago and I must admit it is not the first time something similar has been mentioned. I was using a different website, but will probably use this from now on, so you should see something from myself or Teddy here almost daily. A lot deopends on how well all this goes down, if there is many complaints then I will stop, but if it goes well, I will keep going with it. They say laughter is the best medecine. Either way I can see Teddy getting another trip in the washing machine before long. I know he hates the spin cycle before the tumble dryer.


MMMMMMMMMM, gets me thinking, he spends his life on the shelf above my computer and looks at me constantly when I am here. Occaisionally he has been known to hop on when I am not around, this broadband is great, it just means Teddy uses it also when I am not here. I am sure he looks at all kinds of stuff he should not see and listens to the Wombles. Bertie baseball bat will casually swing Teddy's way before long I think.


Keep up the madness, it is about the only thing I can now get away with. Have a good one



ppms, dx 2001

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Hello Ron and welcome to you and your "family" too!


Okey dokey, I think I gottit re "Teddy" but who, or what, is "Fluffy"? :crutch:,

and "Dirty Baseball Bat" :sweating: ?


As for laughter, yes indeed, and you're looking at the "Queen" of jokes (or so I was once told...). I used to run a ton of joke ezines, no longer do as too time-consuming etc, although I still have one going... this is my joke website if you fancy a giggle :bye:Whimsical Wits


Have fun! :oops:


(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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Thank you for the welcome message.


To give a qucik idea of my 'family'


There is Teddy, he is the naughty one who is always getting up to mischief and generally no good. He is a Teddy Bear who lives on a shelf in the computer room watching me all the time. I got him wehn I was a little boy and he spent many years in a box in the attic (I do not think he has ever forgiven me for that). Teddy has the hots for Fluffy Bunny who lives next door.


There is Panda, she was my elder sister's and is a couple of years older than Teddy. Panda lives on a neighbouring shelf and is always very well behaved. It has been noted that she can be a bit of a snob and tends to look on Teddy in disugust most of the time.


Fluffy Bunny is the daughter of a neighbour. Teddy has the hots for Fluffy big time just now, but it may just be a phase he is going through.


Bertie baseball bat lives in the hall cupboard and comes out to 'see' Teddy quiate a lot when Teddy is naughty.


There is Henry hoover and Teddy has an aversion to Henry. Maybe it is the noise, or maybe it is just Teddy being lazy again, but he really dislikes Henry.


If there are no complaints about Teddy, then you can expect to see a post about what he gets up to almost daily. If you prefer Teddy to use a different page from now on, please say so, I really do not want to upset anyone with this.


I hope this assits to introduce my crazy family, but if you have any questions then please contact me.


With best regards,


Ron :sweating:

ppms, dx 2001

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