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Short survey about Gilenya :) (for my school leaving examination work)

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Dear MS-Patient,


Twelve years ago my mother came down with MS. The nescience about this theme has really employed me. That’s why I decided to make my work for general qualification for university entrance about this interesting issue.

I’m conscious of not-being the first guy who wants to do this and I’m also not the last one. However I would be really thankful if you would take just five or ten minutes to answer to my questions.

My work I specialize in the medicaments Tysabri and Gilenya. I’ll compare them in matters of clinic, social and society changement. That’s why this survey is now in this forum.


For answer my questions, I’d like to send you my finished work, if you like to get it. But you have to wait some months, because I’ll finish it in January 2014 (until then you can make the survey).


I’ll thank you in advenge for your help and I’wish you much power fort he future :)



All your information I’ll use anonym and if you don’t want to answer the questions in the forum, you can send me the questions to the following e-mail adress



Best wishes Jeremy Wyler



General informations:

1. Age

2. Sex

3. When you got the diagnosis for MS

4. Which is the number of your Expanded Disability Status Scale ( EDSS)

5. Is your possibility to move constricted?


Informations about Gilenya:

1. When you began to take Gilenya

2. Why you decided to change to Gilenya

3. Please describe your satisfaction to Gilenya on a scale of 1 to 3 (1= really dissatisfied, 3 = really satisfied)

4. Since you take the medicament, how has your movement changed? (1 = move more less before; 2 = move the same like before; 3 = move more then before)?

5. Do you have a pet or no more pet since you take Gilenya?

6. Do you gain weight since Gilenya?

7. Which are the most often side effects you have since Gilenya?

(Exempels: Fatigue, spacticity, to less leukocytes in the blood, migraine, Akne, bad liver datas etc.)

8. Have you already thought about a Rebound when you would end the therapy with Gilenya?

9. Since you take Gilenya, do you have more side effects or depression then before?

10. Do you think you have too less possibilities to talk about your medicament or do you wish more possibilities?

12. Do you still/not anymore work since you take Gilenya?

If yes: What your chef says about your illness?

13. Have you already thought about a change to Tysabri?

If yes: Why have you stained by Gilenya?

14. Do you have fear of Gilenya because of to less long-term study?

15. Do you meet more people or friends since you take Gilenya?


Thank you really much for your answers!

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