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shopping, how to make a fool of yourself.

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Hi All


Well went shopping the other day, was feeling tired but hey ho I thought I could man it. First I forgot to take a £1 coin for the trolley so went down an isle to find someone elses shopping on the conveyer, turned to the woman behind me to ask if it was hers as the man on the till was expecting me to pack it. Yep she said, I said to the man on the till can I sweop some change for a pound? Nope came the reply ive shut the till, but the woman gave me a pound bless her which saved further embarrasment. As I was walking to the trolley's an old lady with a walking aid said I'll race you, she won ha. I'd gone in for a jar of coffee and a few other thngs but ended up with £35 of shopping. After paying for the shopping I realised I was too tired to get to carpark so I had to ask for a chair and hoped they would be able to get trolley to carpark. Unfortunately they were too busy. A young lady though insisted on helping bless her. I feel such a fool dunno if I dare go back haha. Has this happen to you.


Take care

Fool who should stick to internet shopping

Trotters Independent Traders initials.

Edited by ptlike

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Oh bless you! I do the majority of my shopping on line. If anyone ever analysed what I buy when I actually go into a supermarket they would wonder how I survive as it tends to be 90% Chocolate, sweets or ice-cream plus the odd item, like potatoes, that I actually went in for :lolsign:


If you think about it another way congratulate yourself for giving several people the warm glow and endorphin release that comes from doing something nice for someone :hearts:

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Life is short. Eat dessert first. Jacques Torres

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Hey, been there,done that, not doing it again.

My savoir, online ASDA shopping.


As Hezza says, IF i do get to a smaller store, ie ALDI my little shopping trip contains mainly chocolate, biscuits, icecream...and bananas, to make me feel justified in getting the rest!


Hope you've got over the experience, i know its not nice,just take down that imaginary sign you have above yout head thet says...nutter....(or something more explicit) and congratulate yourself for getting the job done, one way or another.


Take care and stop being hard on yourself, we understand!


Cazza xx

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*A Christmas Carole*

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The Dragonfly

Yup, done this. Thought I had more energy than I did. We parked up, I took one step into sainsburys, and immediately went to customer service for a wheelie. Raced around the shop, only rolled over my mums toes once....haha. Thank god my mum was there to help me with the shopping and pack it. She hates packing, cause in Canada they do it all for you. Oh, she paid for it as well, love my mum....lol



Next time eat chocolate, my only advice.


Jen x

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I do most of my shopping online , but i still like to go to the supermarket every week

"a bit of normality " and yup i buy all the rubbish :) and and the bill always ends

up being twice the price than i'm expecting :-/



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Thanks for the replies, feel a little better you've all being there lol


Best wishes



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