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Wind turbine

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Hi All


Very very windy here yesterday, maybe I should have had a turbine fitted, would surely have paid my whole years electric account if the turbines had stayed attached haha. Tough walking in it for me has everyone else struggle in the last few days?


Take care


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The Dragonfly

So true, isn't it peter.


I just went out for a Valentines card at an independent card shop near me, never been. And the guy behind the till started talking about


the 'calm before the storm', I pipped up 'how awful it is down south with the floods and more to come'


couldn't believe the cheek of the guy when he said 'we are all on par now, the north and south device, my house will sell easier than


theirs down South'. He's not even selling his house, stupid git.


I wish I had the guts to tell him to F off, I'll reward him by not going to his shop again. That just floored me to hear how insensitive he


was. And to gloat openly about him not having the floods. Really irked me.


Hope all in the South are ok.


Jen x


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hi jen,i live on the isle of wight,touch wood ,the island has got of quite lightly,few roads closed,trains not running,minor floods,and of course ferry crossings have been cancelled now and again,because of the winds.quite abit of the coast ,has been washed away,even half a car park !!!!.my heart goes out to the people more effected. tc everyone xx

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The Dragonfly

Really frightening isn't it, all this flooding. Keep yourselves safe!


The wind has picked up up here in W. Yorkshire, icy cold rain. I feel a duvet weekend coming along with hot chocolate.


Jen xx

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With you there jen, duvet; chocolate; red wine and the heating up, stuff the bills if i can't pay it i'll volunteer to pay off two pounds per week.


Stay safe everybody.


Cazza xx

Edited by cazza

*A Christmas Carole*

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Hi All


Lost my recycling bins to the wind haha ohwell no more recycling for me if the council won't replace. Talking about people saying controversial things Jen, someone said to me the other day, "I'm a year older than you, how do you carry on, do you take each day as it comes?" Nearly replied Foff too. haha



Take care


Edited by ptlike

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The Dragonfly

I always have to look up where the isles are, way down there. Hope you guys are doing ok.


Yup, duvet day, pj day hot chocolate day, yay.....lol


Yeah, I'm with you there Peter, I feel like going back to that shop and flooding it. Hey, your in Yorkshire, it's in Outwood, in Wakey, we can both go and flood it. Lol.


Have a safe weekend.


Jen x







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