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What a change - E-cigs

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Hi All


I've started with the ecigs and alls going well. I was at hospital today on a regular checkup and was asked by the ambulance driver to wait outside for him to move his ambulance closer. It was the smokers area but instead of smokers I was joined by 3 other ecig users haha. Everyone had a different type and colour. Obviously the hospital doesn't allow ecigs inside. How things change hey. I wonder if the woman at the hospital who is an avid non smoker and used to reprimand smokers outside will turn her attention to ecig user's now lol.


Best wishes


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The Dragonfly

I don't smoke, but each to their own.


Pubs have banned them as they dont know what the vapors will do. But id take ecigs outside hospitals anytime.


In my mindfulness class, there is a lady that smokes her ecig in the class. I can smell it, and I think its wrong. The teachers teaching wont say anything to her. Im stuck with smelling it.



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The thing with e-cigs is that they're an alternative to tobacco cigs, as a form of "harm reduction" which can only be a good thing. E-cigs aren't "smoked" as there's no smoke in them (burning tobacco or other substance), they give off a vapour which is why it's called "vaping" :hoop:


My local pubs haven't banned e-cigs. There are many pubs that haven't. On the other hand, they're banned in all Wetherspoon pubs. There are some hospitals where they're not banned per se, whilst they're even banned in the outside grounds of others.


In general, e-cigs don't smell, at least not much. My other half tells me he can't smell mine, or that if he gets a whiff of it, it's very soon gone and isn't unpleasant in any way. You have to be quite close up to one to get a smell from it and then it's generally mild (if at all) and dissipates quite fast, being a vapour. If you can smell the one the lady in your class is using to that extent, she must be using one hell of a strongly "perfumed" flavour! Perhaps a friendly request to her to use a flavour that has less smell, or one such as maybe a fruit flavour or one like vanilla which might make it smell more like a bakery or sweetie shop than anything else, or coffee which might make it smell more like a cafe, if the flavour she's using is so strong that it can be smelt from further away?


The vapour isn't toxic or harmful and e-cigs are said to be "in several orders of magnitudes" safer than tobacco cigs. The only thing we don't yet know about in full is the long-term effect of flavours but, so far, no-one's died from nor got ill from e-cigs. There are only 3 or 4 main ingredients (as opposed to 4000-6000 in tobacco cigs), which are: propylene glycol which is what produces the vapour and is used in fog machines and asthma inhalers, glycerine, nicotine and food flavouring. That's all. Some food flavourings (bought in supermarkets for cooking, for instance) have a minute amount of a chemical called "diacetyl" in them, which when inhaled in very large quantities can cause a condition called "popcorn lung". For that reason, flavourings containing diacetyl stopped being used for e-cigs a few years ago, even though the risk of "popcorn lung" was negligible in flavourings used in e-cigs. Oil-based flavourings are never used as they're not good either.


Research has been carried out to show that there's no harm from 2nd-hand or passive vapour.


The Ultimate List of E-Cig Studies: Are E-Cigs Actually Safe?



32 Great Electronic Cigarette Quotes (many by doctors etc)



New Systematic Review of the Evidence Investigates Safety of E-Cigs



Vapor Content of Electronic Cigarettes and E-Liquid



All sorts of research and studies by a cardiologist, and others:






(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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