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Can you have lesions in your enteric nervous system?

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I've recently learned about the existence of our 'second brain' aka the enteric nervous system (inside our digestive system).


I'm currently reading 'Digestive Intelligence' by Irina Matveikova, M.D. and it suddenly occurred to me to ask if you can have lesions in the neural network of the gut and if so, perhaps this is why MRI's of the head and spine sometimes miss MS when symptoms are clearly present?


I'm no scientist but I wondered if anyine here could answer this question or direct it to someone who could?

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Never heard of this to be honest!


I did a quick search but didn't reveal too much other than some hefty medical extracts, which I don't begin to understand.


One here for example http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3235587/

If you plough through the first couple of pages it does mention enteric lesions


I think you will need to wait for your neurologists appointment. I think, that if these enteric lesions were well understood, then it would be looked into at the time of diagnosis for many? Maybe not.


Impressed with your reading lists !!! I read a lot but mostly novels for relaxation.




Edited by Scully
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They are not brain lesions..........they are just bright ideas


"The truth is out there"

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Crafty Cow

I can see where you are coming from with this one, but my understanding would be that it might be classed as peripheral nerves as it's separate from the brain and spinal cord and communicates with the central nervous system with the vagus nerve, so any lesions wouldn't actually be in the central nervous system as such. It makes sense though how children can suffer stomach migraines though.


Interesting reading.

Sam x

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Follow me, you can follow me....and I, I will not desert you..............

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Sorry, have no idea on this one, but perhaps ask the neuro, would be interested in their reply.



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Yes you can , just google enteric nervous system lesions and you will

find lots of studies , mostly to do with Parkinson's disease

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