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DLA/PIP Advice

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Hi All


I haven't written on here for a very long time so a bit rusty,just after a bit of advice please,a friend has contacted me in a panic she has


just received noticed from the DWP to apply for PIP instead of DLA,she seems to think she's been singled out as she hasn't applied


for it herself.I haven't.She seems to think as I haven't changed over yet I need to apply.I'm not worried about applying as I have nothing


to hide,I live alone,completely wheelchair dependent,have carers 4 times a day and have to be hoisted as i can't even weight bear.I.


wouldn't be able to even fill out the forms myself either as the forms wouldn't be big enough for me to write on these days.CAB are going


to come round when the time comes.Still have my sense of humour though.


I look forward to hearing from somebody please so I can let my friend know she hasn't been singled out.



Give a woman the right shoes and she can conquer the world! Bette Midler.



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Hi Angela,


The process of changing everyone who is on DLA over to PIP is ongoing and this link should give you more information.


I am in the same position of still waiting for the dreaded letter to come through the door, meanwhile other people I know have already been through the process. There is a lot of information about this on independent sites such as this very good one. http://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk.


The problem with filling in the forms is in understanding all the Jargon. Best way I think is to go to a knowledgeable advocate who can fill it in for you.

CAB or DIAL but a lot of these services are very busy.


In any event your friend has not been singled out, sooner or later we are all going to have to do it. In some ways she is lucky in that she will be sorted out before you! A close friend of mine was dreading it, but has been through the mill (Used DIAL) and was assessed to much the same 'level' of benefit as he was on before.


Hope that helps



Edited by Nick
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Just another Warrior...........

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Hello Angela,


I agree with Nick in that it's only new people. ( those who have never had DLA or PIP ) need to apply.

Those of us already in DLA, regardless of what level we are, will eventually be written to in order to be changed over to PIP.


Your friend isn't singled out in any way, and we do nothing, except wait for the reams of forms to clatter through our letterboxes. The CAB are well placed to fill the forms out for us. The DLA forms were bad enough, taking me several days to complete.



Edited by Scully
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They are not brain lesions..........they are just bright ideas


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Thank you Nick and Scully,


She originally messaged meon facebook in a bit of a panic,i told her then how i thought it was but told her I would check for certain here,.i've now got to put another


friends mind at rest thanks to facebook.



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Give a woman the right shoes and she can conquer the world! Bette Midler.



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