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I live in scaborough and I've recently been diagnosed with relapsing and remitting MS..

Just seeing If anyone on this forum is from north yorkshire or around Yorkshire would love to meet up and not feel alone

Edited by George_Allen12

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Hi George,


I'm sure there are a few people here from your area. It's a great Idea to get in touch with other people in the same position. It was something I managed to do and it was really helpful. I live in Norfolk so can't be much help that way, but would suggest you get in contact with the local MS Society group.




they will probably be able to help. In our area there are several self styled groups who just like to socialise, I'm pretty sure the same will apply where you live and it can be difficult to contact them direct, so best find out what's happening through the MS society. Another good source of information is often via the MS Nurse.


Anyway It's lovely to see you here and feel free to ask questions. loads of brilliant knowledgable people in the background.



Edited by Nick

Just another Warrior...........

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Welcome George. Unfortunately, I live in Bedfordshire so I'm not much use to you. Shame as I love a good meet up. Good luck with the socialising though, always good to be able to get together with people with similar experiences.

It's not the hand I wanted to be dealt but I'll play it anyway.

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Welcome George,

I'm just about as far away as I can be from you, down in the Deep South...although I have sailed into Scarborough a few times...

Couldn't stay long there as the tidal fall is immense!


Definitely get in touch with your local MS group, your MS Nurse can also point you in the right direction as well as using the loins that Nick sent you. These groups have lots of activities, coffee mornings, days out etc. Also some arrange local physio activities, with tea and cake after!



Edited by Scully

They are not brain lesions..........they are just bright ideas


"The truth is out there"

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Founded in 2004, MS People UK is a community website and discussion forum by and for people with Multiple Sclerosis as well as for friends, families, supporters and those interested in this disabling condition.

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