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Vegged Out

I've joined in with a few topics in the past couple of weeks, drawn back by @Marina's email announcing her update and extensive overhaul of the website.


This happened at a time when I was going through the dreaded DLA- PIP so ably covered in @Nick's topic of the same name.


And it is very good to be back. So, where have I been? A list for you, without too many details:


• 2 house moves, seeking wheelchair accessible properties and now in extra care independent-living - and it is lovely


• many surgeries, culminating in the final answer to my urinary nightmares. If I'd known what it would take, I would have balked at the prospect. The trick is to trust your specialists and keep your eyes on the end game


• giving up freelance writing and crafting... I've reached the point where all that I do and enjoy must be stress-free hobbies.


• coming to terms with a (birth) family issue, making a decision, acting upon it... .


• dealing with paperwork, red tape and many hours of hope, dashed by reality, then being rewarded for my patience


I first joined the forum while in Limboland. It was - and still is - good to be among like-minded people. There are those that have discovered all is not well with their bodies and that it might be their neurological wiring that needs testing and attention.  Some have recently been told MS is the reason for their problems. Some have been paddling up the MS waters for many years.


A forum offers more space to ask questions, share answers and hang out than many of the fast-paced, let's move-it-along now, social media. Have you tried scrolling through FB posts, tweets and messages for a certain topic, something you are sure you read, but where? A forum has a navigational structure that makes access simpler. It stands the test of time. Blogs too.


So, thank you for having me back. I am getting to grips with recent topics and posts while trying to get to know you all. Many of the "oldies" are absent but newbies should stay awhile and hopefully the readership will grow again.

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Shirley  "one day at a time"


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What a fantastic post! Brilliant........suggest you don't give up writing.  I agree on so many points, trust your specialists,  and a forum where you can have time and space to ask questions.  Like you I am passionate about this forum (Many many thanks to Marina) It's helped me and I hope that some of my contributions have helped others.

By the way I too am in the middle of a house move, first in 32 years.......... tough going, but getting there. 



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Just another Warrior...........

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Founded in 2004, MS People UK is a community website and discussion forum by and for people with Multiple Sclerosis as well as for friends, families, supporters and those interested in this disabling condition.

If you’re newly diagnosed or want to ask about possible first symptoms, or if you’ve had Relapse Remit, Secondary or Primary Progressive MS for some time, a welcoming group of fellow MS sufferers is here to chat with you about MS symptoms, diagnosis and treatments.

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