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Help us with research into cognitive problems in multiple sclerosis

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·  Do you have MS or care for someone with MS?

·  Are you aged 18-69?

·  Do you want to help research aimed at improving the everyday lives of people living with MS?


Cognition refers to people’s ability to pay attention, remember things, multi-task and problem solve.


You are being invited to share your views and experiences to help develop:

·  a cognitive screening pathway to assess all people with MS for cognitive problems

·  a brief rehabilitation intervention programme for people with ‘mild to moderate’ cognitive problems


We would like you to take part in a phone or face-to-face interview/discussion group.


You will be offered travel expenses for attending an interview in person.


If you are interested in taking part, please get in touch.


If you would like to know more information about the study, please contact:


Name: Hannah Elwick   

Email: hannah.elwick@nottingham.ac.uk

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Can I also mention that the perimenopause can cause cognitive loss?  


I'm having a terrible time in mine  (with other symptoms) and can't remember stuff from one day to the next, forget things so easily, and have got lost in the car twice in the last week, plus driven straight past the x's on Friday dropping the girls off there.  


This is a general thing that's here all the time for the last six months (since other symptoms of perimenopause worsened) and not at all like the one I get that lasts about 8 weeks and makes me forget words.


So if you are MS and perimenopausal and not on HRT ... apart from being very unlucky, there might be a mix up

Edited by Happymama

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