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Why heat causes or exacerbates MS symptoms

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Here’s an explanation about heat sensitivity and raised body temperature in MS.



My thoughts are for our readers with MS who are having to live through and cope with the latest heatwave. The BBC has just reported that this is the hottest late August bank holiday on...


I must admit that I didn’t stop to think that the heat of this weekend is why I’ve been saying my vision seems blurrier than usual! Doh..! :bashhead:


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(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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That is an interesting article Marina, like a lot of us I often feel the effects of heat, yet why is that I also have a similar (but slightly different effect ) in winter? For me it feels like it is the change, or rapid change that causes this. On a different note I recently went through a very scary heat related event! It must have been a bug, but when I suddenly got a temperature the effect was very fast and left me unable to lift a finger, unable to do a single thing. This was the first time this has happened so fast.  It took a couple of days to recover and made me much more aware of my own venerability.  

All OK now and back out in the garden enjoying the last of summer.



Just another Warrior...........

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Ouch, Nick, re getting a temperature during the recent heat! That is indeed a weird one... I'm glad all's OK now :flowerface:


The heat thing is odd for me too, Nick, but maybe differently to you. I tend to like more heating in winter than average, and - believe it or not - I like hot baths! But summer heat has me knocked out.


My liking more heating in winter, and your reactions in winter are maybe due to temperature sensitivity? I definitely feel the cold very easily!



Some people can find they experience problems with both extremes of temperature. This can be hard to explain to people around you, as different symptoms may be affected by heat...


In general, changes in weather seem to affect me, or maybe it's changes in pressure, as they seem to trigger TN/migraines/headaches and associated neck pain.


(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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I like a hot shower, even when I know it will 'fatigue' me, that effect wears off quickly.  The winter thing is maybe something to do with lack of getting outside. I've spent this whole summer outside and apart from those very hot days have managed OK. 

Anyway we sound like a bunch of whining idiots! So won't dwell on it to long.



Just another Warrior...........

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As a redhead - we're very different to the other hair colours - I know that my core temperature will overheat or go very low with the mildest nudge.  I drink cold water, I get cold.  I drink hot, I get hot.    We feel cold and hot pain more too than others.  


I'm having hot flushes too, so use a fan (I have three) and get symptoms after - sensory stuff. There is definitely a link.  But I can have hot drinks - and hot baths, with impunity.  

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Buff Stallion


just joined the forum, so, hello. 

I find warmer weather is best for me. Cold winters stiffen me up and slow me right down with increased pain and sensation issues. 
just spent 2 weeks in Mexico 30 plus degrees and pain waned considerably and even my sight improved. If only Mexico was available on the NHS 

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