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Technology Use and MS

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My name is Kyle Harrington, I am a researcher at the Institute of Mental Health at the University of Nottingham currently looking for people living with Multiple Sclerosis to complete a survey about the access people have to technology, and any particular difficulties people may encounter using their phones, tablets and computers.


This work is part of a larger project seeking to develop a standardised cognitive screening and rehabilitation for people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, so that people can get access to the support they require, if necessary.


The survey will take approximately 20 minutes and will allow us to better understand any potential challenges that people living with Multiple Sclerosis face when accessing and using technology so that we can better design solutions to fit people’s needs.


If you choose to take part in the survey, you will be given the opportunity to enter a prize draw where you could win £50 worth of shopping vouchers. This is an academic study and has been given approval to be posted by a moderator. 

If you wish to complete the survey, please follow the link below.


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