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Moving your body!

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I have lived with MS  14 years ( now SPMS), I’m housebound but I’m not in wheelchair! I walk and balance a bit dodgy !!

I try to exercise so I don’t seize up and I teach other warriors exercises too !! It’s great mentally & physically! It increases fitness, endurance, strength, flexibility, gait, posture, balance, coordination and mood ! Decreasing spasisity, pain, weight, fatigue!!

If you have MS like me ...

If your balance is not good...

If your walking is dodgy...

If your body is seizing up...

If your symptoms are exacerbating...


“Multiple Sclerosis Fitness with Jayne MSer & Warrior “: YouTube U.K. Try if you are able to 💋Big hug 💋

Encouragement, inspiration and help is all I want to give!!!!!



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Founded in 2004, MS People UK is a community website and discussion forum by and for people with Multiple Sclerosis as well as for friends, families, supporters and those interested in this disabling condition.

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