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Do you want to help develop a new measure of cognition for people with Multiple Sclerosis?

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Cognitive difficulties are varied but common in people with Multiple Sclerosis (at least a third), with difficulties in areas like memory, attention and decision making. Our study is looking at developing a new measure to assess cognition, that more accurately reflects the day to day difficulties people experience.  We have now designed a first draft of the questionnaire and are recruiting for the second stage of the research, looking at how well it is understood and used by the people it is designed for.


We are asking people with MS to take part in an interview, discussing the new measure and your thoughts about it. This could either be in person or via video call (depending on location). We are currently recruiting (Dec 2021-Feb 2022)! If you have MS, are over 18, and have some difficulties with cognition, we would like you to take part in an interview for approximately 90 minutes, where you give your thoughts while completing the new measure.


If you are interested in taking part and would like further information, please contact the research team (18736180@students.lincoln.ac.uk). 


This research is being undertaken as part of the Trent Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, jointly with the Universities of Lincoln and Nottingham. Ethics approval reference 2020_2204.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I look forward to hearing from you :flowerface:



Heather Cogger-Ward (Postgraduate Researcher) 

Trent Doctorate in Clinical Psychology 

School of Psychology 

College of Social Science 

University of Lincoln 

Sarah Swift Building, First Floor 

Brayford Pool 


LN5 7AY 


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