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DLA changes

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Good mornng all.


I saw on the MS Society website this morning that there are supposed to be changes made to the law regarding DLA in early 2005 and everyone who is newly diagnosed with MS will qualify automaticallyfor DLA. I will have a nosey and see what I can find elsewhere.


With best regards,


Ron :cheers:

ppms, dx 2001

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Hi Ron,


Brilliant, but I've had a look and I cant find it!


I'm in the process of filling in some changes and I'm sooo glad I copied the forms I sent in to them initially 'cos I've just copied them all. :cheers: I cant believe that I cant just put, "No change from the previous form" but I understand that would cause problems.


Oh well early 2005 could mean anything up to the end of June, so I'll keep on using the ink!


Bye for now




p.s. I've been reading the correspondence between you and Marina. Life is just so frustrating, keep on taking it out of Teddy but don't tell him I said so!

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I saw it on the 'Every Day' section of the forum on page three now. I guess as new posts go on it will keep being pushed back. A regular user of the site posted it and he appears to have a lot of knowledge about DLA and how to go about it all. I personally have no reason to doubt his writings, but I guess more will come out in time. His post reads as follows:



ppms, dx 2001

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Thanks for that Ron


I hope that that person is right. There's nothing on the DWP site about it tho. Oh well I'll just have to be patient - again.


MS certainly needs patience, something which I didn't always have a lot of.


:wallbash: Shirley

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There appears to be a lot of information on this, but nothing on many sites like the DWP that would normally post any changes.


There have been several replies to the original posting and reading between the lines it looks like there will be almost no immediate change to anyone with MS.


What a surprise, I am convinced that most of this stuff is to assist people stay in jobs at over inflated salaries and not to assist anyone with any disability. It is not correct and I totally disagree with that thinking, but as long as the few making decisions that affect everyone else are protected in that way, there will probably be little change. Why should they try and change something that they benefit from?


If I hear of anything I will be sure to post it on here,


Ron :cheers:

ppms, dx 2001

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