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Some small concerns

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Been a while since I last popped in. Been busy with my course and family issues, and under the belief that everything was actually going okay. Well okay so my eyes kept putting distance between themselves, but hey I could deal with that, mostly because I didn't notice it.


'Course, because I haven't been thinking about it, I've been perfectly happy getting on with my life, sans my parents reminding me to get on the injections. Well to do that I'd need to get some anti-depressants, and finding a good doctor round here hasn't been easy. Hopefully I'm a small step closer, now, with one round the corner, and now Uni's out I'm not likely to miss any appointments.


This is all trivial and space-filling. I'll get to the point.


A couple months ago, I went into A&E. My chest hurt. BAD. I'd just come out of work, and started walking home, only to stop because breathing in was becoming difficult. Went in, had tests... They couldn't find the answer. Though saying that, they were looking at my heart after dismissing the lungs. I went in for another test on my heart, it's fine. I was expecting that.


But the pains haven't stopped, and in certain circumstances can be just as bad. Right in the center of my chest, sometimes worse when I move my arms out... Its horrible.


My family have taken a look at certain records, and apparently this can be a symptom of MS in rare cases... :flowerface: Not nice.


But is it really? Is this really a symptom I should be aware of or should I take myself back up to the hospital for tests for something else?

I'm such a geek when I draw in breath it's with pixels!

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I'm wondering if it's not what some call the "MS Hug"? Which isn't that uncommon an MS symptom.


I've been getting what feels like chest pain too, right by the heart toward the breast bone in the middle, sort of like pinching in one particular spot. Plus a fluttering sort of palpipations, as if I had air bubbles popping. It got me quite worried too. In the end, we decided it was due to acute anxiety and nerves I'm going through (for at least a year now due to certain circumstances), and beta-blockers now seem to help me with it, which would indicate that it is anxiety induced. At one time, they said that to check my heart they'd have to keep me in hospital for at least 24 hrs for a sort of ECG machine that one's wired up to all the time, as it's an intermittent thing with me; but it was decided in the end that this wasn't my problem. For all I know, maybe it is an MS thing which is exacerbated by anxiety.


(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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Nice to hear from you again. As always it's best to get these symptoms checked by the professionals. It could be the MS (((((((hug))))) which can be very uncomfortable. I have only experienced it once and that episode had me calling my MS nurse. To be honest it was scary, and made me feel that I could not breathe properly. Some simple breathing exercises can help,esp if the symptoms make you feel anxious. I remember feeling constricted around the chest area.If I breathed in I would get pain, and subsequent tenderness in and around the chest area. It lasted 4 days,which was great fun :flowerface:

My MS nurse did inform me that I could go to A&E if needed,but did warn me that after checking that my heart was fine...they would probably put it down to the MS and I would be sent home. I chose not to go as my pulse rate was fine,I wasn't grey,coughing or sweating. This was a personal choice.

I do hope you find a good g.p and your able to sort some meds out for the depression.

Let us know how it goes. Hope you have a lovely christmas

Michelle :heartbeat:

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