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MS Research Project

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I'm conducting a research project on depression in MS at the University of Sheffield. We're interested in whether depression in MS is caused by the MS disease process or is more generally related to living with a chronic medical condition. If you would like to fill in a short questionnaire please click below.






All responses are anonymous and the information gathered will be used for research purposes only.


Many Thanks

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That's quite a well thought out survey.

I often find surveys 'don't fit' because the people asking the questions have preconceived ideas of the answers, but this one seems quite fair.


To borrow from Sir Humphrey Appleby, "there will be some questions that remain unanswered.....the ones that were not asked".


Such as...I wonder how much depression, possibly due to MS, is suffered long before diagnosis or even before the big symptoms began to show. Is there more depression during the months or years of being in limbo when we don't know what is wrong? Once you have your MS T-shirt you can get on with life. While some are distressed by their diagnosis, I have heard of many, myself included, who express relief. To borrow from 'The Joker', "I have a name for my pain".


Perhaps the survey is harder for the undiagnosed MS sufferer.




John :thumbsup:

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Good work on the survey - bit depressing though!


Where can I see the results?

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Being as the survey was in 2007, the results are probably no longer available (if they were ever made viewable by the public, that is) as SurveyMonkey doesn't keep surveys for that long.


(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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