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... still waiting...

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Here I am - still waiting. This is completely draining.


I feel bad praying I don't have MS when I see so many brave people coping.


Millions of ideas run through my brain... will I still work? I love my job... Will I have babies?? I wanna be a Mom!!!!!!!!!


I am so afraid. Everything my phone rings - my heart stops. I find it cruel to keep someone waiting. No one cares. The Doctors, I am sure, find me completely annoying...


I just want to be healthy.

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You have my sympathies, the waiting can be the hardest part!


Will you still be a Mum?..........probably, MS does not stop people from having children and many people have large and healthy families.


Will you still be able to work?........probably, many people with MS hold down great jobs, but just find that their energy levels drop off a little.


MS is NOT a stop sign in many ways, it is just a speed bump that requires management and a few adjustments. Very, very few people end up in wheelchairs etc and many people find the whole experience quite an eye-opener and wake-up call to remind them that we are not invincible.


Good luck with everything and please be sure to let us know of the outcome.


Ron :elephantride:

ppms, dx 2001

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Dear Drifter,


Please don't despair, although I know waiting can be so hard. If it helps to know, my neuro asked me if I had children and when I said no, he asked if I intended having any. I was a little surprised, as I am 44 years old and told him I thought that becoming a first-time mum at that age would be hard enough without having MS as well. He simply replied I shouldn't rule it out if I wanted. As for working, I work full time, travelling to London every day - an hour each way. There are days I would rather stay in bed, but I won't give in and once I get moving, I find I can manage. I also still have good holidays (climbing pyramids in Mexico and bathing elephants in Sri Lanka for example!) without problem. I regularly go to gigs, travelling across London on occasion to get to the dreadful Wembley Arena, and really life hasn't changed for me because I won't let it.


It's not the same for everyone, I know, but life is not over just because you have MS! And I am convinced there is something around the corner that will help, it's just a case of someone having a good look and finding it.


Take care.



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Hi Drifter,

Listen to whats been said in the above posts. It's so true, and will help you whatever the outcome of your test results.

Your not alone! And although we are not physically close to you, we care about you.

Please dont feel bad about praying that you haven't got MS. That's a perfectly normal reaction to have.

What are you up to this weekend?


Michelle :elephantride:

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