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Adjustment to Multiple Sclerosis - reserach request

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The following research request has been sent to us at the MS Trust. If you would like to help out, please contact Konstantina directly.






Adjustment to Multiple Sclerosis: Developing measuring instruments


I am Konstantina Volosyraki a postgraduate student in MSc in Health Psychology at the University of Southampton. I am requesting your participation in a study developing a questionnaire looking at how people with multiple sclerosis adapt to their illness. The items, included in this questionnaire, have come from interviews with multiple sclerosis patients about how they have adjusted to their condition. The questionnaire will also ask you for a few personal details such as, length of your illness, your age and gender, but not your name. There will also be 3 questionnaires, which measure psychological well-being, physical and psychological impact and also the impact of MS on your daily life. Completion of the questionnaires will take approximately 20 minutes. Personal information will not be released to or viewed by anyone other than researchers involved in this project. Results of this study will not include your name or any other identifying characteristics.


Completion of these questionnaire will be taken as evidence of you giving informed consent to be included as a participant in this study, for your data to be used for the purposes of research, and that you understand that published results of this research project will maintain your confidentially. Your participation is voluntary and you may withdraw your participation at any time.


A summary of this research project will be supplied to me upon request. To request a project summary or if you have any questions please contact Konstantina Volosyraki at 07804351286 or kv106@soton.ac.uk

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