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Hi, im new to the forum. i WONDERED IF ANYONE HAS TRIED NUCCA.



I know theres many things that can cause ms,such has mercury filling,toxins etc


And i know of several people that have been diagnosed with ms,but they actualy have lyme disease.


But recently they believe the number one factor may actualy be caused from a injury to the head or neck, in the earlier years.. CAUSING MISANGLEMENT.









who says his symptoms improve imediatly after correction

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But recently they believe the number one factor may actualy be caused from a injury to the head or neck, in the earlier years.. CAUSING MISANGLEMENT.

Hi Chriss and welcome


I have certainly considered this theory, however over the years I have had cranial osteopathy, chiropractic and cranial sacral therapies all to help realign my neck and spine which was broken and compressed. And still my symptoms persist and deteriorate. I have therefore temporarily put this theory on hold.


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Hi All,


I have just found this thread by searching 'Multiple Sclerosis NUCCA' on Google and thought it maybe helpful if I explain to you what NUCCA treatment is and how it could help someone who has MS symptoms through my own experience. I have had this treatment and two months prior to the treatment I was told by a neurologist at Moorfields hospital that I had a 60% to 70% chance of having MS.


I first started to have problems with my neck after having keyhole surgery on my shoulder. My neck would constantly crack when I moved it and I obviously assumed this was down to the surgery. I went back to the surgeon who operated onme who told me in was not related! I was referred another 3 times to different specialists and got nowhere (this was all through private health care). I was told I had nothing wrong with me, I had Arthritis and one even suggested I may have a low pain threshold!


I learned to live with it, but the 'cracking' continued to get worst. In the summer of 2006 I started to get dizzy spells when I played football and I could barely stand. It happened so often that I stopped playing and would not do any form of exercise. The dizzy spells then got better as the months went by and started to play again sometime in the winter.


The following year I started to get blurred vision which I put down to a very poor monitor I was given when I started a new job. My vision would get worst when I played football, had hot showers or sometimes when I simply just walked. Then one day I woke up and had double vision, which lasted 5 days and this is when I first went to Moorfields hospital. Although the double vision went I still continued to get blurred vision, however this did improve when my monitor at work was changed. Not long after this I started to get numbness mainly in my hands and the dizzy spells returned.


After telling this to the neurologist at Moorfields in May 2008 he told me I probably have MS, but could not diagnose me, as he needed to see progression. This naturally scared me and the more I read about it the worst I felt, because I knew I was having the symptoms for years.


I stared to look for ways to treat MS without using drugs, as I was not diagnosed. I spent weeks looking without much joy, until I took a different approach by going back to when the problems first started with my neck. I Googled things like neck problems, crack of the neck along with MS and I found a testimony from a website which was very similar to the problems I had experienced. Their problems were helped by NUCCA treatment, which like everyone else (including every doctor i've spoke to since) I had never heard of.


Although very spectacle, after researching into the subject I thought it would be worth seeing a NUCCA practitioner and discovered there was only a few outside North America, but luckily there was one based in London. On my first visit in June 2008 she took one look at me and said 'You have a neck injury'. Slightly confused I asked her how she knew and she told me my shoulder was not level and my head was too far forward. Upon examining me she also found my pelvis was not level and I had one leg shorter than the other. None of the doctors I saw told me this when examining me.


The X-Rays showed my Atlas was mis-aligned, which literally meant my head was not screwed on right. The Atlas is the top part of the spine where the neck connects to the head and also surrounds the brain steam and spinal cord. On my second visit I had my first correction and X-Rays were again taken. I could clearly see from this that the treatment had moved my atlas and my posture had incredibly changed, as my shoulders were level and my head was not far forward anymore.


My symptoms got better, but the adjustment did not last and every time I lost it my symptoms returned, until it was corrected again. This was happening every two weeks at first, then three weeks, a month, etc. It's now been three months since I was last adjusted after only after 8 months of having my first.


I no longer have any numbness, dizziness or any problems with my eyesight. If I had not discovered this treatment then there's a chance I could have been diagnosed with MS. However please understand I do not believe NUCCA has cured my MS, as I believe I have never had it. Also please do not think this will cure MS, as it is a treatment that will correct your Atlas-Misalignment. If this is mis-aligned it can cause all sorts of problems as the messages from the brain can be distorted, causing MS, ME, Parkinson's, etc like symptoms. This is why you will not find a mention of these illnesses on many NUCCA websites.


If you believe your problems started when you had a fall, car accident, sports injury or any blow to the head or you think your shoulders/pelvis/legs are not level then I recommend you highly consider this.


Please do not also confuse this with a normal chiropractor as it is a very specialist area that only treats the upper cervical (neck). There is no cracking of the spine or even any pain involved. Only one person is qualified as a NUCCA practitioner in the UK and I'm not sure there is even anyone else in Europe. You can only qualify to do this in America so that is probably why there are so few.


There is more information and videos onwww.NUCCA.com and www.NUCCA.co.uk that explain the actual procedure. You can easily find case studies and testimonials with a quick search on google.


I hope this has been helpful for some of you.

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Hi Shaw


Nice write up.

You do hear a lot of people who sometimes have problems after a trauma and maybe this is the case.

We like to keep our options open and i think it is something that is certainly worth thinking about.


Glad you have had a major help with this treatment and i wish you all the best for the future.



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