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RSS News feed

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Who is RSS News feed?

How come he gets to clog up the website with advertising articles from Yahoo?

Can't he be blocked?

Bibo ergo sum

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Vegged Out

Hi Redsonja

You'll find the answer to your question about the new RS Feed facility here: Forum Upgraded + Some New Features

and a comment about it here: status change


Hope that helps!

Shirley  "one day at a time"


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So it is intentional then.

But does it have to be so many?

Bibo ergo sum

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Hi Red,


Marina is monitoring and tweeking these features and will adjust it until she is happy with it. The new version has given her a lot of work to get right so just bear with her for a while.




John :thanx:

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So it is intentional then.

But does it have to be so many?

I'm afraid I can't control the number of links that RSS feeds pull in from a site. Part of the idea of RSS feeds is particularly for sites that produce a lot of news links. That way, one doesn't have to go the various sites the news items come from and scroll through 100s of articles to see one that might be of interest. Instead, with RSS, one just looks at the headlines and chooses one of interest much faster. An RSS feed will give you a summary (or "index" if you like) of subjects instead of having to go the site and reading them all in full. It also saves people here, who like to have these news item headlines, having to subscribe themselves to any RSS feed with their own RSS reader, especially if they don't have an RSS reader or don't know how :eyebrows:


Quantity shouldn't then matter at the end of the day, as one just picks the subject of interest, same as one might on any of the other forum sections :thanx:


That said, as John's said, I'm still tweaking and trying to decide on which ones to use or not.


(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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Ho! I clicked on the one about fishing - prepared to be annoyed because it was MS for Missouri or so - and it is fascinating.


Thankyou for going to all this trouble. I appreciate it, and if it bothers me I just won't click on them.

Bibo ergo sum

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You're welcome, Sonja! And, no, of course, you don't have to click on all or any of them :hearts:


I've removed the Yahoo one for now as the Google one seemed perhaps a touch better, but it's difficult to choose between them as they each have items of interest that the other doesn't whilst both sometimes having the same two items. I tried to set it just for UK news, but it wouldn't work... :hearts:


(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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