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LDN questions

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Dear all,


Over the last couple of months I have been reading up more about LDN and feel it may be of assistance. Before approaching my GP about it all I am going to write to him with a load of information, this method has been more successful in gaining his assistance in the past and I will stick to it when going 'cap in hand', I really need to get his assistance for this to happen.


A recent visit to my neurologist was a complete waste of time, the whole consultation took less than 4 mins and I spent more time being weighed by the nurse than I spent with the neurologist. When I asked the neurologist for his advice or opinions on LDN, he totally poopooed the idea and said any information was anecdotal and there had been no scientific evidence to support LDN. He would not be prepared to prescribe LDN, only Betainterferon which may well assist with RRMS, but appears to do nothing for PPMS.


Although LDN is legal in this country and in higher doses it is prescribed for addicts of hard drugs to assist them in coming off a dependancy, in lower doses it has never been tested and proved in any way, there are just thousands of people who swear it assists them. No drug company will put the remaining 8 million or so to complete testing and actually make it available in lower doses, as their investment would probably never be returned as any drug company could simply copy it, there would be no patent as there would be with a new drug. The problem appears to be in finding a GP that is prepared to prescribe LDN, there are some and it is not impossible.


Has anyone prepared anything to approach their GP with about this? does anyone have any advice about this? It has got to be easier to approach my GP with everything and nail any doubts he has at the outset than to try and change his mind in the future.


Any advice on this subject would be greatly appreciated.


With best wishes to all,


Ron :wink2:

ppms, dx 2001

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