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Your support is kindly requested!

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Ladies and Gentelmen,


Your support is kindly requested!!!


My name is Beata. I am a student of the final (5th) year of Environmental Protection studies at the Faculty of Chemistry in Poland.


Since the beginning of this academic year I have been writing a thesis about Multiple Sclerosis. The reason why I have chosen this topic is that I am interested in this disease and because my dad had suffered from MS.


Very important part of the thesis is a survey which I am planning to do in Great Britain and Poland. I am aware that Multiple Sclerosis is much less common for people who live near the equator. It has been proven that the farther to the North from the equator, the more people suffer from MS.


In my country there is also high indicator of people suffering from MS, but not as bad as in the UK. I think that this survey will be assistance in comparing lifestyles of people living in my country and in the UK before identifying their illness.


What I need is to find 50 people who would like to take part in a survey. It is of course anonymous.


If you would like to help me by taking part in my survey, could you please write an e-mail to me offering your help and then in my reply I would be able to send you electronically the inquiry form. (Please find my e-mail address below)


It should not take you longer than 10 minutes.


I believe that this survey will be pleasant to be filled.


You would really help me in finishing my thesis by taking part in this.


I would be very grateful for your help.


Kind Regards,




e-mail: 11beata11@wp.pl

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