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What is the impact of caring for a family member or friend with MS? Urgent request for participants to an online research study

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What is the impact of caring for a relative or friend with MS? Particpants urgently required for an online research project.


I am currently doing a research project as part of my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at The University of Surrey. I am interested in exploring the impact of caring for a relative or friend with a life limiting illness, such as MS. I have ethical approval for the study from the NHS and the University, and have been collecting data from a local MS therapy centre, local branches of the MS Society and a local community team.


I am interested in gathering a variety of experiences from those feeling as though they are "coping well" to those who may be struggling. The questionnaire should take no more than 15 minutes to complete and all answers are multiple choice and anonymous. To particpate, you must be over 18 years of age and be caring for another adult, you do not need to be living with the person you are caring for.


The study is questionnaire based and can be accessed by clicking on the following link:




I would be really grateful if you could spare the time to complete the questionnaire, further details are available by clicking on the "I would like more information" button within the site.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact meon my either via the forum or through my email address M.Conn at surrey.ac.uk


Many thanks



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Many thanks to all who responded to my request for participants in a research study. I have a reasonable sample size and hope to generate some interesting and useful information. I will be collecting data until the end of the month so if there are any others who would like to particpate, I would be most grateful. Any person over 18 is eligible and more than one person from each family can take part.

Thanks again




The link again is:



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