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enema anyone? all the time?

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would like to know if anyone uses an enema for their constipation. it works for me, but i wonder about using it all the time. damaging?

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I'm sure there are people who do have to use enemas all the time. Do you use micro-enemas (small tube)? Unfortunately long term use can make the bowel lazy so it won't use its own muscle to evacuate but having said that with chronic long term constipation it is a tricky situation. Have you discussed this problem with your GP? I'm not sure which laxatives you have tried, but your GP should be able to prescribe something that will make you go :cowboy::lol4: . However, again, long term laxatives are not generally viewed as a good thing for the same reason as enemas. Constipation is usually helped by lots of fluids, fibre, fruit and exercise. There are also bulking agents such as Fybogel that can help with this problem - hopefully then avoiding the need for taking regular laxatives or enemas. I don't think there is a problem with occasional use of enemas but I think you would want to try to find other measures if possible.


You do have to be careful giving yourself enemas in that there is a small possibility of perforating the bowel and I guess you know you should always lie on your left side when using them.


Best wishes

Chris x :hearts_circle:

Not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain ....

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Chris has given you some great advice. I'd echo her advice to speak to your Doctor if you haven't already - they should be able to refer you to a Continence clinic or nurse.

Life is short. Eat dessert first. Jacques Torres

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I'm sure there are people who do have to use enemas all the time. Do you use micro-enemas (small tube)? Unfortunately long term use can make the bowel lazy so it won't use its own muscle to evacuate but having said that with chronic long term constipation it is a tricky situation. Have you discussed this problem with your GP? I'm not sure which laxatives you have tried, but your GP should be able to prescribe something that will make you go :cowboy::lol4: . However, again, long term laxatives are not generally viewed as a good thing for the same reason as enemas. Constipation is usually helped by lots of fluids, fibre, fruit and exercise. There are also bulking agents such as Fybogel that can help with this problem - hopefully then avoiding the need for taking regular laxatives or enemas. I don't think there is a problem with occasional use of enemas but I think you would want to try to find other measures if possible.


You do have to be careful giving yourself enemas in that there is a small possibility of perforating the bowel and I guess you know you should always lie on your left side when using them.


Best wishes

Chris x :hearts_circle:



i think the tube is 8 ounces. i've never heard of lying on my left while taking an enema. reason?


i drink at least a gallon per day of water, eat sensibly, but am shy on the exercise. i use metamucil. it seems to help the most.


my gp prescribed stool softeners, which just gave me gas. :lol4:

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Lying on your left allows the enema to work better - it's the natural way the colon lies. I was a nurse and gave hundreds of enemas (not all at once!) and that's the way I was taught to give them.


Chris x

Not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain ....

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suffer frm RRMS and have increasingly chronic constipation. Ive been given most laxatives. Can't tolerate stimulant lax, bad cramps. PEG and a fiber supplement have been working but getting less effective. They added lactulose, it helped a bit. About every 1 to 2 months though, my bowels just shut down. Often I don't notice until I'm nearly impacted. Ive went 4 times to the ER, the first visit they gave me lactulose, peg, magnesium citrate and an IV magnesium laxative, a dulcolax suppository and a Fleet enema Nothing happened. I was being discharged a helpful nurse suggested I try a soapsuds enema. I'd been chronically constipated as a young child from 4 to 7 yrs, usually laxatives and glycerin suppositories were gven. My issues returned from ages 12 to 16, that is where I was introduced to large volume enemas. I hated them and by the time I got a miserable enough to allow it, it usually took several at the hands of a neighbor and former nurse. I was just wanting to leave the ER, but the RN strongly recommended that I try them. I told him to go ahead and have the doc write an rx (figuring I'd never do it). He soon returned with not an rx. But a signed order, the equipment, and a young tech. I tried to change it, but the MD refused and if I were to leave AMA, my hmo would lower my coverage. I let them do it, dreading it greatly. To my surprise, though a bit embarrassing and not pleasant, it was quite tolerable, and worked well. My issue now is that due to my MS (i believe), I am unable to do this to myself. My bowel spasms and I get just a few oz in when it comes back out. Ive tried many times I have used the Fleets, but they are really irritating. So, 3 more times, at the advice of my hmo, I have been referred to the ER just to get a soapsuds enema or 2. The HMO has no urgent care and has refused to pay for home health care, but they would rather pay $800 for an ER enema than much less for an occasional aide. I've also inquired about being referred to a nursing home or clinic for these procedures. I not only dislike wasting money, I hate to occupy a valuable ER bed and take up skilled emergency nurse time for such a low skill procedure. I know I wrote a book, but has anyone experienced similar or has any advice I'd appreciate it

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