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r ac zj

Facilitators and barriers to exercise for people with multiple sclerosis

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r ac zj

Dear everyone


My name is Judit Racz
I am a Third Year Psychology student studying in the Department of Psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University. As part of my studies I am carrying out a research project. The topic of my project is
Facilitators and barriers to exercise for people with multiple sclerosis.
I suffer from MS myself and decided years ago to write my dissertation about some aspect of the disease.


I would like to invite up to 15 people to participate in this research. Taking part involves answering six simple questions about exercising with MS. The participants can answer these questions in their own time, using email. I have attached a list of the questions.



The only inclusion criteria is being diagnosed with MS.


If you wish to participate, please email me (judit.racz@stu.mmu.ac.uk).


The research will be subject to ethical guidelines outlined by the British Psychological Society. This means that if you decide to participate you will remain anonymous. You will have the right not to answer questions you do not wish to and you will have the right to withdraw from the study at any stage up to 01/04/2016, without having to provide a reason.


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me at the above e-mail address or my research supervisor (Dr Susanne Langer s.langer@mmu.ac.uk).





Yours sincerely


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