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returning function

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hello all.


this has been/is being such a long slow process for me. my leg started playing up and i developed a limp and dropfoot. then my leg started to shake at the knee when i walked. i began to have cramps and spasms in the morning. this happened over a few weeks to a couple of months and my leg used to feel like i had a tight band around my knee at times.

then it just stopped doing all the strange sensation things and became like a dead thing from my knee down. there was nothing and it started wasting.


after a few months i started having pain in my calf muscle and then it went away but there is feeling there now. not control but feeling.


its felt light and weightless for a long time but now its starting to feel heavy. when i stand i feel more like im on two feet rather that a foot and a block of wood. this hasn't been sudden, i think its been changing for a long time and at first was just for minutes here and there but the last few days its been most of the time.


im asking for anyone when has recovered a body part gradually to share the experience with me please. as in, do sensations start to change? half of me is a bit scared that its a bad sign but surely anything that feels more normal is good. I've lived for so long with weirdNess that it feels odd to feel a bit normal.it feels a bit like its in reverse, my leg is spasming again in my the mornings. i haven't got my control from the knee down back but my drop foot has improved. thankyou.

Edited by derby42

derby x

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