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The Dragonfly


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The Dragonfly

Hi everyone,


Everyday I try doing something fun, positive or childish to keep me mentally strong and happy.


Today I went for a walk and I noticed lots of piles of leaves. So, what did I do, I first kicked the pile (that someone probably worked hard doing) and then I started scrunching them under my feet. I love listening to the sounds it makes. I didn't care who was watching, that's the most important thing.


I would like to know what everyone else likes to do, when they can, to put themselves in a better frame of mind? :hearts:


Take care,


Jennifer xx

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hi jennifer


i love the thought of you jumping in the leaves.


there is a video to a song called "hoppipolla" by sigur ros. it shows a group of senior citizens playing knock and run and other anti social antics.


worth a google - make sure you go for the official video.


carole x

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Hi Jennifer,

I have been known to bounce through puddles. Unfortunately I don't think I look quite as cute as Tigger while doing it :lolsign:

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Life is short. Eat dessert first. Jacques Torres

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The Dragonfly

That video is hilarious. Brought back some memories of me and friend jen sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night and doing just that, oh and we might have been meeting some boys aswell. Haha.


I still love jumping through puddles, hezza have you watched the video. It's really cute.


Jen x

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Would this be the video?



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(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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Going to wait for the snow to arrive ,then i might have a little roll around

in it :) ......just hope i'm going to be able to get up again lol

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The Dragonfly

Yes, snow still waiting. I still make snow angles......



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Yesterday, Out on my Tramper - nice cold bright morning and lots of lovely 'crunchy nut cornflakes' type leaves everywhere. They are so uplifting - And my bit of devilment is to come down the sides of banks or steep hills as fast as l can - on my scooter with my legs stuck out going 'WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' - then find someone passing by in a car has spotted me.

One day - l was sat on my horse, about to come out of the gate - when a very 'fit' neighbour jogged by. l said to him ' OH, you are too late' and he said what for - and l replied 'l have just been practicing vaulting onto my horse from behind and you missed it.'..When actually it had taken a rather fancy mounting block and two friends.

But thats hopeful thinking rather then positevity.

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The Dragonfly

That sounds so fun reggie. My amusement a few months ago when my legs were wanting to do their own thing, and i got my scooter. I offered my fatherinlaw a go on it, he loved it, going down this steep slope, sticking his legs out. It was ACE.

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Went to our local last night - friends newly formed band were playing. lt was packed - we had a meal first as they were not coming on til 9-30pm. Finished at 12. l took my rollator as l am not safe with walking stick in crowds -and it means l have my own seat. People were shoving their jackets into the storage part - so l did feel 'useful' - l did get onto the dance-floor +rollator and had a bop! Getting back down l 'rolled' over a young lady's foot. l apologised and said l hoped l had not made another 'cripple' - which made everyone laugh -which l find is usually the best. The band are trying to learn new 'numbers' and last night they did play the Lily Allen number from the Waitrose commercial. They are also trying to learn 'Are we Human or are we Dancers' the Killers number - as it is a favourite of mine. As a non-drinker - l get the job of taxi-ing people home.

l have rambled on - but it is all positive!

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The Dragonfly

Sounds fun, I love music and I listen to absolutely anything. I'm always plugged into my ipod.


I had an eye appointment at the hospital yesterday and a man walked very wonky over and sat next to me. My cogs started turning and thought to myself 'shant I, shall I ask if he has MS'. Anyway, he was called so he stood up again and lost his balance with his hand and said 'damn numb hand'. Well, that sort of confirmed with me that yes probably MS. So he came back to sit down and I asked if he minded me asking him a question. So asked him and he has SPMS. I told him my story. So anyway, he asked me why don't I go to the meetings and I told him I'll go now that I know someone. ....so as you do.....exchanges of phone numbers and texts later we are meeting for coffee next week. He wanted to meet me and the kids this weekend. ....so had to tell him I'll be with my hubby aswell.....Damn eh? Heehee


All's good and positive


Have a nice balanced (haha) weekend


Jennifer x




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You pulled - Jennifer - now that will help your positivity. l too was 'chatted up' at the local on friday - and it was not someone who just wanted a lift home. Life is not so bad after all.

And there was me thinking 'One door closes - and another shuts'.

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The Dragonfly

oh, Reggie, you can't leave it like that. We like details...... :clown:

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Hi Jennifer,

I have been known to bounce through puddles. Unfortunately I don't think I look quite as cute as Tigger while doing it :lolsign:

I would be more like a tall version of the vicar of Dibley.......... :wave3:



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I will decide what to put here one day...........brace yourselves........

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Yesterday, Out on my Tramper - nice cold bright morning and lots of lovely 'crunchy nut cornflakes' type leaves everywhere. They are so uplifting - And my bit of devilment is to come down the sides of banks or steep hills as fast as l can - on my scooter with my legs stuck out going 'WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' - then find someone passing by in a car has spotted me.

One day - l was sat on my horse, about to come out of the gate - when a very 'fit' neighbour jogged by. l said to him ' OH, you are too late' and he said what for - and l replied 'l have just been practicing vaulting onto my horse from behind and you missed it.'..When actually it had taken a rather fancy mounting block and two friends.

But thats hopeful thinking rather then positevity.


I noticed that you have a horse.

So do I, which means I just have to be nosey!


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I will decide what to put here one day...........brace yourselves........

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