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Moving House

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Chaos ! 

Living in the same house for 32 years is really not such a good idea.  Over the last few months Kay and I have been sorting, packing and discarding  things, in anticipation of our move.  The Charity shops love us, the men at the tip are all on first name terms and friends and neighbours are sick of being asked if they need such and such an item.  Old edwardian homes, like the one we live in, have a lot of cupboards and a lot of space. Somehow we seem to have filled it all. 

We are now just a couple of weeks away and while 90% of the stress has been taken away from me, by Kay's strenuous efforts, I am still feeling worn out! 

Our move takes us away from the coast and away from a town. Our original idea was to get a bungalow but a suitable place, in the area we want to be, is simply out of the question.

Never  mind we have found a small place with some useful features, such as a downstairs wet room and large open rooms with lots of level access. 

As a child I grew up in the country and know the area well.  So lots to look forward to.  I shall miss our wonderful beach, just down the road, Our new home is around 3 miles to the coast. I shall miss being able to use the scooter to get about town, The new place is some distance from any such provision. 

I shall not miss being surrounded by houses that with every passing year, fit more and more 'security' lights. Our new place is truly in the dark! Wonderful. I shan't miss the traffic! 

The nightmare yet to come is changing our health providers, although the move is only 15 miles it puts us into a different health region and this is pretty bad for me, initially, as I know everyone here, and know no-one apart from my Neurologist, who remains the same when we move. 

Ah well, they say change is good for you, so will keep you all posted




PS Well done Shirl for becoming our new Moderator.




Just another Warrior...........

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Vegged Out
4 hours ago, Nick said:

Our move takes us away from the coast and away from a town.

Oh Nick, you are a real life Escape to the Country. Dark sky. Sounds peaceful. We moved 2 years ago from a bungalow to an apartment in an extra care development - lifts, long corridors, powerchair heaven.

All the very best to Kay... she will need a medal... and to you. This will impact on your health but the excitement and adventure is worth it. Having a good 'clear out' is good for the soul. Enjoy!


4 hours ago, Nick said:

PS Well done Shirl for becoming our new Moderator.

Thank you - I will do my best. :juggle:

Shirley  "one day at a time"


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