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Turning into a charity queen

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Well, Bris first reaction was "NO WAY" his bro had come back with him and he immediately piped up "I WILL!" I also suggesred a few friends that will do ANYTHING for/after a pint lol. His closing line was that it would be a laugh and he'd discuss it with the lads today over golf and see what they say!!!!

OMG Michelle, Brian is deffo a boxer shorts guy and aren't I glad!!!!

OOOOh just thinking of possible candidates...the lady who INSISTED on strippers is actualy married to a policeman!?!?! And I do know a rather dishy fireman but not well enough to dare to ask him to join in lol!!!!


Will let you know what happens......

P.S. Michelle.....am glad the snake wasn't staring at ME or I might've screamed!!!!

Horsey Dawn

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:hairraising: Well hello guys!

Latest from Dawnyworld!!!

Bad news first (not that bad so don't worry!) Shops not displaying posters after saying they would....just wish they'd return them so I can stick them elsewhere as my printer is clinging on to the last shreds of life lol!


Rant over, good news is: A company I used to work for have offered to send some vouchers to use for fund raising. (Maybe they feel guilty afterall!!!!! LOL)

BUT the best news is that Brighouse spiritualist church are going to hold a fundraising evening of clairvoyance and they will give ALL the proceeds to us. WOW!!!!THANK YOU!!!!!!


However, poor Peter, who is a cousin of Teddy will be here soon and I haven't got the heart to tell him he has NO bids!!!!! I don't care if it's only 1p so long as SOMEONE makes that first bid!!!! Who wants to make Peter happy and me Ecstatic??????????

( IF I sound desperste it's because..............I AM!!!!)


Keep smiling chickadees,

best wishes,

Horsey Dawn

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OH no bids??? Hang on Mish and the furry crew to the rescue.

I will bid

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Dawn I just popped over and can't find Peter. :hehehe: Oh, I forgot he hasn't arrived yet. When he does tell him that he's wanted. I just thought... I had a boyfriend called Peter. Hope Andrew doesn't mind having Peter on our bed :thumbsup: Thats if i am not out bidded.


Michelle :hairraising:

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:cry: Hi All,


Well of course I am really pleased that Michelle has placed a bid on Peter, I can understand her concern as Peter is a cousin of Teddy and we are all aware of HIS reputation!!! Thank you once again!!!


Well it's the harvest auction tomorrow, I'm a little nervous wether people will turn up....been hard advertising....I think newspapers should allow charities to adevrtise for free!!! Anyway our local newspaper wants to run an article on us so that should be a great advert for our cause!!!!

A few friends are baking pies and apple crumbles and similar (YUM YUM!!!) The Co-op have generously donated some produce for us which is fantastic.


And so once again if anyone can get to Slaithwaite tomorrow night, please come and jon us at the cricket club, though I have MY sights on that apple crumble lol!!!!!!!


Can you bellieve it, haven't had a viewing all week and someone wants to look around tomorrow morning!!!!!!!!!Guess it's going to be a busy day!!!! So much for avoiding stress in my trying my hardest to be ms friendly lifestyle!!!!!!!

Will let you know what happens.........


Best wishes


Horsey Dawn

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What a busy bee you are...Buzz BUzz <<< and that's not my legs buzzing :pile: It's me doing a bad interpretation of a busy bumble bee. The apple crumbles sound yummy. Andrew and I altered our dog walking route today. As we walked past this house... we could smell apple tart wafting through the window. Reminded me of the days when my mum used to bake every Sunday without fail. Hungry Now!

Good Luck with your viewing tomorrow. It's typical isn't it? All the days when you could have shown the house, and they pick a manic day :clap:

Good news about the newspaper article :rant:


Best Wishes


Michelle :cry:

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