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helpful advice needed

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Dear all,

Pauline, my wife has ppms, and is in need of a dentist. She is on a NHS list. The dentist has a ramp to the door. The problem occurs when Pauline needs to get from her wheelchair to the dentist chair.There is no hoist. infact there are no hoists in any dentist in the area.

Who shall I complain to? I wait for your advice!!

P & P

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I wish I could assist with some advice for you, but as yet I have never come accross this type of challenge before and really have no idea where to start with it.


The situation is different between Scotland and England on many matters and I have a feeling this might be one of them. I would try approaching my GP, the local council/authority for their advice first and then any professional health care workers for their advice. Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists etc can very often know of where to get advice even if they cannot provide advice themselves. If there is still no joy, then ask your dentists what he/she suggests as you cannot be alone with this type of need for equipment and there must be somewhere that offers this type of assistance. If you have access to a Dental Hospital they might be able to assist with suggestions.


Good luck with finding out any information and please let us know how you get on. Many people must be in a similar situation.


All the best,


Ron :wink2:

ppms, dx 2001

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:wink2::headscratch: Hi re Dentist problems.

I would be inclined to phone the family Practitioner Committee, not sure if Dentists come under them, but am sure they would advise. In view of the new laws on accessability, I would also phone the British Dental Association, I am sure they have to provide access, not sure about going as far as a hoist though ! could you manage with a transfer board, and take one with you, surely the Dentist and his Nurse would help with that. My Dentist is upstairs, but when I book, I can always ask for an appointment time when he can see me in one of the downstairs rooms, but have never met the wheelchair to dentist chair situatiion.

Good Luck



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I posted the link to this topic to the mailing list, hoping somebody might chip in :-) Jim, who's not a forum member, replied direct to the list with this:


I use my wheelchair at the denists I have to go in at the rear as there are a big flight of stairs at the front once inside its easy to manouver when I go into the treatment room they lower the denists chair to the same height as my wheelchair and then I just slide across.  However its my last time at this denists today as he is retiring so the new practice we have been moved I will have to start and train them.


Take care




(belated DX in June '05, SPMS)

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morning all!

Problem solved. I contacted the director of clinical services, who contacted someone else who rang me telling me to bring Pauline to a dentist who has facilities to treat people whilst sitting in wheelchairs. why is this information so hard to find?

anyway THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all your help

P & P

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Hi both, :flowerface: :flowerface:


I'm glad you got something sorted out guys, it's great to hear some good news for a change. :mummy:


All the best, :nuts:

................................ :dog: ........................................

All the best,

Chris P

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