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A Blonde Easter

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>Three blondes went to Heaven on the same day and showed

>up at the Pearly gates. St.Peter looked them over and said,

>"Well,before you can enter the gates you have to answer

>one simple question,to show you know something about why

>you're here."

>> :wink2:

>The first blonde stepped up to the gates,and St.Peter said,

>"Now,explain to me,what is Easter?" The woman replied,

>"Oh thats easy.That's the holiday in November,when

>everybody gets together to give thanks,and eats Turkey,


>> :cry:

>"Wrong," replied St.Peter,"You'll have to wait."He turned to

>the second blonde and said,"What is Easter?" The second

>blonde replied,I know,Easter is about Jesus.In December,

>when we put up a nice tree,exchange presents,and

>celebrate His birthday."

>> :lol:

>St.Peter shook his head in disgust at the second woman and

>sighed.He turned to the third blonde and said,"You look a

>little smarter than the other two...Now,WHAT IS EASIER?"

>> :angel:

>The third blonde smiled and said,"I know what Easter is.

>Easter is the Christian holiday that takes place in the spring.

>Jesus and his disciples were eating at the last supper,and He

>was decieved and turned over to the Romans by one of his

>disciples.Then the Romans took him to be crucified and

>stabbed Him in the side,made him wear a crown of thorns,

>and crucified Him.He died,and was buried in a cave sealed

>off by a large bolder."St.Peter smiled and nodded.

>> :halo:

>The blonde cotinued,"And every year the boulder is moved

>aside so that Jesus can come out,and if he sees his shadow

>there will be six more weeks of winter."

>> :halo:

>St.Peter fainted... :flowerface:


Take care bfn Angela


ps.Those blondes are silly even I know there's no such thing as the Easter

Bunny,the real reason the boulder is moved once a year is so that Jesus

can deliver our Easter eggs!!

Give a woman the right shoes and she can conquer the world! Bette Midler.



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