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4 Easy Questions

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>The following short quiz consists of 4 questions!


>1.How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?


>The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator,put in the giraffe,close

>the door.

>This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an

>overly complicated way.


>2.How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?


>Did you say,"Open the refriderator,put in the elephant,and close the

>refrigerator?" (wrong answer)


>Correct Answer: Open the refrigerator,take out the giraffe,put in the

>elephant and close the door.

>This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your

>previous actions.


>3.The Lion King is hosting an animal conference.All the animals attend

>except one.Which animal does not attend?


>Correct Answer: The elephant.The elephant is in the refrigerator.You just

>put him in there.

>This tests your memory.OK,even if you did not answer the first three

>questions correctly,you will have one more chance to show to show

>your abilities.


>4.There is a river you must cross but it is inhabited by crocodiles.How do

>you manage it?





> :lolsign:





>Correct answer: You swim across.All the crocodiles are attending the Annual

>Meeting.This tests whether you learn quickly from you mistakes.


Take care bfn Angela


Give a woman the right shoes and she can conquer the world! Bette Midler.



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Very witty Angela, :lolsign: but no good at after 11 in the evening. :welcome2:



................................ :dog: ........................................

All the best,

Chris P

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